The Petitioners' Committee shall be responsible for instructing circulators on the regulations and guidelines for circulating petitions, as contained herein.
A. All circulators must reside in the City of Reading and be registered to vote as defined in § 51-103A above.
B. Each person collecting signatures must allow any person to review the text of the initiative ordinance or ordinance to be reconsidered.
C. Each signature collected must be personally witnessed by the circulator.
D. The circulator must complete the affidavit of circulator before a notary public after all the signatures on the sheet have been collected.
E. Circulators must not attempt to obtain signatures of persons knowing that the person signing the petition is not qualified to sign it.
F. Circulators must not offer money or any thing of value to another person or threaten a person to sign or not to sign a petition, nor shall they sell or offer to sell signature sheets.
G. Circulators must not accept compensation to circulate a petition that is based on the number of signatures obtained.
H. Any person violating the circulator regulations shall be charged in accordance with the applicable offense sections of the Elections Code 25 P.S. § 2601 et seq.