A. Any five qualified voters of the City may commence initiative or referendum. A qualified voter is a legal resident of the City of Reading who is registered and constitutionally entitled to vote in Pennsylvania.
B. A qualified voter shall obtain a Petitioners' Committee affidavit and petition forms from the City Clerk in the Council Office during regular business hours.
C. The Petitioners' Committee affidavit shall state the names and addresses of five qualified voters who will constitute the Petitioners' Committee and be responsible for circulating the petition and filing it in proper form, and specifying the address to which all notices to the committee are to be sent, and setting out in full the proposed initiative ordinance or the ordinance sought to be reconsidered.
D. In case of referendum, such an Petitioners' Committee affidavit must be filed within 10 days of the adoption of the ordinance.
E. Within five days after the Petitioners' Committee affidavit is filed and validated, the City Clerk shall issue the appropriate petition blanks to the petitioners.