[Amended 6-26-2023 by Ord. No. 57-2023]
It is the purpose and intent of the City Council to establish a City of Reading Youth Commission [Commission]. The Commission will serve as an advisory body to the Mayor, City Council, and Managing Director on issues of interest to youth and pertaining to youth in the City of Reading. The Commission will also have an active role in City events. Youth and young adults are impacted by the decisions of City officials, but seldom have the opportunity to directly participate in the process. Establishment of a Commission will facilitate the participation of youth and young adults in local government, as well as provide City officials an opportunity to hear and address their ideas and concerns. City Council members are encouraged to provide guidance and mentorship to their District Commission representative.
[Amended 6-26-2023 by Ord. No. 57-2023]
A. The Commission shall consist of 15 members between the ages of 16 - 24 who shall serve without compensation. Each Council District shall have two representatives, which may include students from Albright College, Alvernia University and Reading Area Community College, who shall be nominated by the District Councilmember and approved by City Council. The remaining members shall be nominated by the Mayor and confirmed by City Council. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner. If any member of the Commission reaches the age of 25 while serving on the Commission, the appointment of that member shall expire the following July 1.
B. Members shall serve three-year staggered terms, and each member shall serve until a successor is duly appointed and confirmed. No member shall serve more than two consecutive terms. The expiration date of all terms shall be July 1.
C. The Commission shall elect a Chair, Vice Chair and a Secretary annually from the members of the Commission. The Commission shall provide an agenda and a meeting report from all meetings to the City Clerk.
A. A quorum shall consist of the majority of the members present at the meeting, but no less than five members.
B. All Commission meetings shall adhere to State regulations as defined in the Act of June 3,1986, P.L. 388, No. 84, known as the “Sunshine Act,” 53 P.S. § 271 et seq.
C. Regular meetings of the Commission shall be determined by the membership but the Commission shall meet no less than four times per year. Notices of meetings will be posted on the City of Reading website.
D. Minutes from meetings will be kept and copies of the meeting minutes will be sent to the City Clerk’s Office after each meeting.
[Amended 6-26-2023 by Ord. No. 57-2023]
The Commission shall:
A. Identify critical issues affecting youth in the City of Reading.
B. Provide advice and recommendations to the Mayor, City Council, Managing Director, and other City officials on issues affecting youth in the City of Reading.
C. Create educational campaigns to raise awareness about youth issues.
D. Create its own initiatives.
E. Help to plan and participate in City-sponsored events.
F. Current Commission members are encouraged to actively recruit new members.
G. Form subcommittees of less than a majority of its members as deemed necessary to allow for in-depth review of issues of interest to the Commission.
H. Make available to the Managing Director its findings and recommendations and present periodic reports to City Council.
I. Provide a written report annually on the status of the Commission and its activities to the Mayor and City Council.
J. Perform such further duties as may hereafter be delegated to the Commission by resolution of the City Council.
[Added 6-24-2024 by Ord. 35-2024]
Any member may be removed for misconduct or neglect of duty or for other just cause by a majority vote of Council taken after the member has received 15 days' advance notice of the intent to take such vote. Failure of a member to attend three consecutive regular meetings of the Commission will constitute grounds for immediate removal from the Commission by City Council. Failure of a member to attend at least 50% of the regular meetings of the Commission in a calendar year will constitute grounds for immediate removal from the Commission by City Council. The Chairperson of the Commission shall inform the City Clerk in writing when a member has failed to comply with this attendance policy. Following such notification, City Council may vote to remove the member and seek applicants to fill the vacant position.