A. Ice fishing is prohibited at Lake Ontelaunee.
B. Only persons having attained 16 years of age may fish at Bernhart's Reservoir.
C. Fishing in or upon the entire premises known as Egelman's Park is prohibited.
D. Using a boat upon any body of water owned or controlled by the City is prohibited.
E. Boats may not be launched onto the Schuylkill River or Tulpehocken Creek from the banks of the City-owned or controlled riverfront unless such boat or craft can be hand-carried over City-owned or controlled property.
F. Swimming, bathing, wading or floating at any place except in a public swimming or wading pool is prohibited.
G. Ice skating is prohibited.
Roller skates, roller blades, and skateboards shall stay on pathways and must yield to pedestrians on pathways. Also see Chapter 396 Parks and Recreation, Part 5 Memorial Structures on Public Property, Section 396-502 Maintenance of existing memorial structures, Letter D Vandalism.
A. Geo-caching is allowed on public property.
B. The following guidelines apply to all geocaches placed within City of Reading parks and recreation facilities:
(1) All geocaches must be registered at www.geocaching.com.
(2) There should be no earth disturbance or vegetative impact to any site, nor should the cache be readily discernable by the general public.
(3) All cache seekers and cache owners must abide by park hours and all other park rules and regulations. Cache owners should also review and follow the listing requirements and guidelines at: http://www.geocaching.com/about/guidelines.aspx.
(4) The City of Reading and the Reading Recreation Commission, its officers, board of directors, managing agents and their personnel or representatives do not assume responsibility or liability for injury to any person or damage to any property sustained as a result of the placement or existence of the geocache, or use of the geocache by any person with any device or for any purpose. Participants in geocaching also absolve the City of Reading, its officials, and its employees of any liability.
(5) Cache(s) shall not be placed in PVC pipe, ammo cans, or have any military markings. Cache owners should use their discretion to determine what would be a permissible container to house the cache contents.
(6) The cache may not be placed within natural areas, wild plant sanctuaries, stream banks, riparian zones, wetlands, historical sites, exemplary nature communities, ecologically sensitive areas, unique geological features, dam structures, or unsafe areas.
(7) A cache may remain at the approved site for no more than three (3) years, at which time it must be removed, and the site restored to its original condition.
(8) Distracting, nuisance or otherwise inappropriate geocaches on public or City-owned property will be removed and treated as abandoned property.
(9) The placement of “Premium Member Only” geocaches will not be permitted in any City park, recreation facilities, or publicly owned properties. These caches require a monthly fee to access their coordinates and therefore make it impossible for the Commission and the City to monitor their locations. All caches on public lands shall be available to the public without a fee.
(10) Cache owner shall delete site location(s) from all publications and/or website(s) within seven (7) days of removal from their geocache sites.
(11) Geocaching is a privilege that may be revoked if policy and guidelines are not met. The City of Reading and the Recreation Commission reserve the right, at their discretion, to remove a geocache when it deems the geocache conflicts with park development, infrastructure repairs, maintenance, natural ecosystems, historical resources, or any other reason.
(12) It is mutually agreed that the geocache and its contents have no monetary value, and will not contain hazardous, illegal or pornographic materials of any kind.
(13) Additional regulations may be set by the City and the Recreation Commission and approved by City Council by ordinance.
C. All rules and regulations as stipulated above and provided by the City and the Reading Recreation Commission must be followed.