A. Any organization or entity wishing to place upon public property any artwork, artwork installation, monument, statue, marker or plaque (the memorial structure) for the purpose of memorializing an individual, group, or event, shall submit such proposal to the Director of Public Works. The Public Works Director shall review the proposal with the mayor.
B. A Memorial Review Committee (the MRC) shall have the responsibility of reviewing each such proposal. The Committee shall be composed of the Historic Preservation Specialist, a City Planner, the Public Works Operations Division Manager, the City Clerk and the Director of the Berks County Office of Veterans Affairs. The Director of Public Works shall appoint a MRC Chairperson from the membership and provide the MRC with the mayor’s input about the proposal.
C. The MRC shall provide a written evaluation of each proposal based on the following factors: the suitability of the proposed location of the memorial structure; the appropriateness of the design thereof; the appropriateness and anticipated longevity of the proposed material comprising the memorial; the proposers' plan and ability for long-term maintenance and upkeep of the memorial; and provisions for insuring the memorial against damage, vandalism and disrepair. In addition, if the proposed location of a memorial structure has been subject to a master- or comprehensive-planning initiative, the proposed memorial should be in comport with any such valid plan. The MRC shall provide this written evaluation to City Council with a recommendation.
D. At its discretion, the MRC may request the approval for or advice of a proposed memorial structure from the Planning Commission.
E. Any proposed memorial structure located within or immediately adjacent to a designated historic or conservation district shall be subject to the advance approval of the Historic Architectural Review Board.
F. Approval of the placement or relocation of any memorial structure shall require the approval of City Council.
A. It shall be the policy of the City of Reading that the maintenance and upkeep of any memorial structure shall be the responsibility of the entity placing such approved structure on public property. A plan for the perpetual care thereof shall be specified in a memorandum of understanding to which the Director of Public Works shall be a party.
B. In the event a memorial structure falls into disrepair and is not promptly repaired, at the sole discretion of the Director of Public Works, the City may remove such structure and dispose of it.
C. The MRC shall have purview over existing memorial structures and may promulgate policies and programs that encourage their perpetual care, upkeep and repair with little or no public expense.
D. Vandalism to any memorial structure or the grounds that the structure sits on shall be enforced by the PA Crimes Code 18 Pa. C.S. §3304 Criminal Mischief, §3307 Institutional Vandalism and §5509 Desecration, Theft or Sale of Venerated Objects.
E. The following shall be prohibited:
(1) The use of any scooter, skateboard, rollerskates, pedalcycle, or any other human powered or motor powered vehicle or conveyance on any memorial structure or on the grounds where any memorial structure sits located on public property, or using any object or substance that could cause damage to any memorial structure or the grounds where the structure sits located on public property. An offense under this section is a summary offense punishable by a fine not to exceed $500.