The governing body of the municipality finds that:
A. Inadequate management of accelerated stormwater runoff resulting from development throughout a watershed increases flood flows and velocities, contributes to erosion and sedimentation, overtaxes the carrying capacity of existing streams and storm sewers, greatly increases the cost of public facilities to convey and manage stormwater, undermines floodplain management and flood-reduction efforts in upstream and downstream communities, reduces groundwater recharge, and threatens public health and safety.
B. Inadequate planning and management of stormwater runoff resulting from land development and redevelopment throughout a watershed can also harm surface water resources by changing the natural hydrologic patterns, accelerating stream flows (which increase scour and erosion of streambeds and stream banks, thereby elevating sedimentation), destroying aquatic habitat and elevating aquatic pollutant concentrations and loadings such as sediments, nutrients, heavy metals and pathogens. Groundwater resources are also impacted through loss of recharge.
C. A comprehensive program of stormwater management (SWM), including minimization of impacts of development, redevelopment and activities causing accelerated erosion, is fundamental to the public health, safety, welfare, and the protection of the people of the municipality and all the people of the commonwealth, their resources, and the environment.
D. Inadequate management of accelerated stormwater runoff resulting from development throughout a watershed poses a threat to surface and groundwater quality.
E. Stormwater can be an important water resource by providing groundwater recharge for water supplies and base flow of streams, which also protects and maintains surface water quality.
F. Impacts from stormwater runoff can be minimized by using project designs that maintain the natural hydrologic regime, and sustain high water quality, groundwater recharge, stream baseflow and aquatic ecosystems. The most cost-effective and environmentally advantageous way to manage stormwater runoff is through nonstructural project design, minimizing impervious surfaces and sprawl, avoiding sensitive areas (i.e., stream buffers, floodplains, steep slopes), and designing to topography and soils to maintain the natural hydrologic regime.
G. Public education on the control of pollution from stormwater is an essential component in successfully addressing stormwater.
H. Federal and state regulations require certain municipalities to implement a program of stormwater controls. These municipalities are required to obtain a permit for stormwater discharges from their separate storm sewer systems under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES).
I. Nonstormwater discharges to municipal separate storm sewer systems can contribute to pollution of waters of the commonwealth by the municipality.