Screening of all dumpsters and trash receptacles shall be required for the purpose of improving the aesthetic and functional quality of every City neighborhood. This part shall apply to all permitted permanent dumpsters, carts, toters and trash receptacles located within public view, new and existing, including temporary dumpsters.
A. Screening area requirements: all screening areas for dumpsters and receptacles permitted to be in the public right of way shall be approved by the Public Works Department and Zoning Administrator (or Planning Commission, where required by this part) on a form approved by the Zoning Administrator and the Public Works Director according to a submitted site plan as regulated by the applicable requirements of this section and the Zoning Ordinance. Screening areas shall be designed, provided, and maintained according to the following:
(1) Screening materials shall be made of durable materials made to endure severe weather conditions.
(2) Screening materials shall be structurally sound and may include but are not limited to the following:
(a) Vinyl, painted wood, cedar, fencing (excluding chain link fences for permanent dumpsters and receptacles - chain link style fences may be used for temporary dumpsters.
(b) Industrial/commercial grade plastic or composite fiber mesh materials (plastic tarps are not permitted).
(c) Live vegetation that provides full screening but that does not exceed four (4) feet. Such vegetation must be regularly maintained by the property owner.
(d) Permanent masonry walls made from material that is similar in appearance to the main structure as approved by the Building/Trade Division when applicable and the Historical Architectural Review Board when the property is located within a historic district.
(3) The screening shall be no higher than six (6) feet, unless a higher structure is required to adequately screen the dumpster and any screening structures shall have an opening with a self-latching gate that will allow the regular emptying of the dumpster, cart or toter. [Amended 6-26-2023 by Ord. No. 51- 2023]
(4) Any gate(s) shall remain closed except when being serviced.
(5) Any screening structure(s) shall be well maintained, remain operable and in good repair.
B. Site plans for Screening - this section shall supersede Zoning Ordinance 600-1303A.
(1) May be hand drawn to scale or electronically generated consisting of the dimensions, representation of the structure.
(2) Shall show the location of the structure that:
(a) Provides five (5) feet of open, clear space between the structure and the curb.
(b) Is at least six (6) feet from the property line.
(c) The Zoning Administrator and Public Works Director shall approve the location of all structures in writing prior to the installation of the structure.
(d) The Public Works Director shall be provided with the discretion to authorize plans that fall outside the scope of this section if no other option is available to the property owner or lessee.