On a corner lot, no building, fence, wall, fence-like or wall-like structure shall be erected or permitted which exceeds a height of 30 inches above the elevation of the intersecting streets and is located within a sight triangle measured 75 feet from the point of intersection of the center lines. Features that have a clearance of greater than 10 feet shall not be regulated, such as the trimmed canopy of a shade tree or the sign face of a pole-mounted sign. A fence that allows more than 75% visibility through it (such as a typical open chain-link fence) shall not be regulated by this section.
A. Where two alleys intersect or a street intersects with an alley, a similar sight triangle shall apply based upon the following lengths:
(1) One side of the triangle shall be measured 15 feet along the right-of-way line of any street.
(2) One side of the triangle shall be measured 10 feet along the right-of-way line of any alley.
(3) Where two alleys intersect, the two shorter sides of the triangle shall only be five feet in length.
(4) The longer side of the triangle shall connect lines drawn under Subsection A(1), (2) or (3).
(5) In the case of a rounded property corner, the two shorter sides of the triangle shall be drawn from the intersection of the property lines extended.
B. On any lot where a private driveway enters a street, no obstruction between 30 inches above curb level and 10 feet above curb level shall be located within the triangular area formed by the street right-of-way line, the private driveway paving and a line connecting them at points 10 feet from their intersection.
C. A utility pole or a pole for a permitted sign may be located within a clear sight triangle, provided it does not have a diameter greater than 20 inches. A trunk of an existing tree may continue to be located in a clear sight triangle, provided the adjacent landowner trims the branches to minimize sight obstructions.
D. An existing building may be replaced with a new building without needing a larger setback to comply with this subsection.
E. See also Chapter 515, Subdivision and Land Development, which may require a larger sight triangle in cases regulated by such chapter.