No animals, birds, fowl, or insects shall be kept on any premises within the city without a permit therefor. A permit covering all such animals, birds, fowl, or insects as are on the premises on the effective date of the ordinance codified in this subchapter, or to be placed on the premises after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this subchapter, shall be issued by the City Clerk Treasurer upon compliance with all of the terms and provisions of the zoning chapter, and upon payment of the sum of $1 therefor. Such permit shall be dated and shall expire at the end of one year, whereupon it shall be necessary to renew same; provided, that prior to placing any additional animals, birds, fowl, or insects covered by the terms of this subchapter upon any premises located within the city subsequent to the issuance of a permit under the provisions of this subchapter, the person, firm, or corporation desiring to harbor, keep, or permit the keeping of such additional animals, birds, fowl, and insects shall make application for an amended permit, the amended permit to be issued upon compliance with all the terms and provisions of this subchapter and applicable provisions of the zoning chapter without cost to the applicant therefor and to expire on even date with the original permit issued.
(1990 Code, § 61B.000)  (Ord. 70, passed 11-9-1988)  Penalty, see § 90.99