(A) Definitions. As used in this section:
(1) BUSINESS AND/OR ENGAGING IN BUSINESS. Any and all activities associated with wholesale and/or retail commerce, whether or not such activities are done for or result in a profit, and specifically including but not limited to: the acquisition of interests in real property by purchase, lease, or gift, planting, growing, and cultivating plant produce, the processing, manufacturing, and packaging consumable edibles from such crops, and the sale through retail dispensaries of the end product of the growth, processing, and manufacturing of such plant produce, and the storage of refined and unrefined plant product for the purpose of distribution to licensees under R.C. Chapter 3796.
(2) LICENSE. A license issued by the State of Ohio under R.C. Chapter 3976.
(B) Pursuant to police powers granted by the State of Ohio to cities and townships under R.C. § 3796.29, no person, partnership, corporation, or entity of any other description acting pursuant to a license issued by State of Ohio under R.C. Chapter 3796 shall establish, operate, or otherwise engage in the business of cultivating, processing, or retail dispensing of marijuana within the corporate limits of the city.
(Ord. 2017-53, passed 9-19-17)