The following procedure and review process shall be used in establishing a "PDD". If initiated by City Council, Council shall request the Planning Commission to draft recommended boundaries and regulations to submit to Council. The Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing before recommending to City Council, and City Council shall hold a public hearing before adopting the specific "PDD".
(A) Submittal requirements. An application for a "PDD" designation commenced by a property owner shall be filed with the Planning Commission by the owner or owners or authorized agent of all property included in the development. The application shall accompany 12 copies of the preliminary development plan, including maps, sketches, elevations, and supporting documentation to fully describe the following elements:
(1) The general nature, location and objectives of the proposed development.
(2) The areas of the project to be used for each land use including residential (number of units, size and density), commercial, office, industrial, or other activities indicating the total square footage of each use.
(3) The boundaries of the project including a metes and bounds description of the parcel and the acreage therein.
(4) An area map showing adjacent property owners, existing land uses, and zoning within 200 feet of the subject parcel.
(5) Existing contours at five feet intervals or less, accompanied by the proposed grading plans.
(6) The proposed internal vehicular circulation.
(7) Descriptive data concerning the existing and proposed sewer, water, and storm drainage facilities within the project, indicating their size, location, availability and source.
(8) Location of all principal and accessory structures, indicating intended heights, coverage and orientation.
(9) Location, size, capacity, drainage, and landscaping of the proposed parking lots within the project.
(10) A signage plan identifying the sizes and locations of all signage.
(11) Pedestrian circulation features, walks, and paved areas within the project.
(12) Landscaping and existing vegetation, including planned buffer areas between uses.
(13) Common spaces, community facilities, including recreational and other non-building areas designated within the project, indicating areas to be in common ownership.
(14) Market and feasibility studies for the proposed principal uses and an indication of the expected service areas.
(15) A traffic impact study, if determined necessary by the city.
(16) A document describing the proposed phasing program for the project for all dwelling units, commercial or office structures, industrial, recreational and other common facilities, landscaping and other open space improvements.
(B) Planning Commission action. The following action shall be taken by the Planning Commission on the preliminary development plan within 35 days of receipt of the complete preliminary development plan package:
(1) The Planning Commission shall review the preliminary development plan and accompanying documents and may request such review and comment by the Building Commissioner, City Engineer, City Planner, other city agencies, and/or private consultants as may be necessary.
(2) (a) The Planning Commission shall render a written recommendation to the City Council, and the applicant, on the appropriateness of the area to be zoned as the "PDD". Planning Commission recommendations to the City Council on the preliminary development plan are advisory only. The City Council shall make the final approval of the preliminary development plan.
(b) At a minimum, the Planning Commission recommendation shall include the following:
1. Whether the plan is consistent with the intent and purpose of this chapter;
2. The relationship, beneficial or adverse, of the proposed development to the adjacent properties and to the neighborhood in which it is proposed to be established;
3. Whether the overall development shall be adequately serviced by present or planned utilities, roadways, and other public services; and
4. Whether uses permitted in the "PDD" shall be found necessary to serve the area, preserve unique topographic, historical, special environmental or other unique features, and/or meet special requirements set forth in the development objectives.
(c) Approval by the Planning Commission shall be formed as a recommendation for approval, denial, or approval with modifications and the reasons for such decision.
(C) City Council action. Upon receipt of the Planning Commission’s report and recommendations, the City Council shall, in conformity with the provisions of this chapter and the Ohio Revised Code, adopt, amend or deny the district provisions and the amendment of the zoning map to provide for the "PDD". Legislation adopting a "PDD" shall include such criteria, limitations, maps and guidelines as the Council deems appropriate for the guidance of the developer and the Planning Commission.
(Ord. 2003-51, passed 5-20-03)