(A)   Property development standards. The following development standards shall apply to properties located within the Residential "D" District.
Residential "D" District
Minimum Lot Area
8,000 square feet for two family plus 1,500 square feet for each additional unit above two
15,000 square feet all other uses
Minimum Lot Frontage
60 feet or 25 feet when located on a cul-de-sac or curved street for two family and multi-family dwellings
60 feet for all other uses
Maximum Lot Coverage
80% Impervious Surface Ratio
60% Floor Area Ratio
.05% Accessory Uses
Maximum Height
30 feet for two family dwellings
40 feet for multi family dwellings
35 feet for all other principal uses
15 feet accessory structures
Minimum Front Yard Setback
15 feet principal use
25 feet for principal uses over 2 stories or having more than 50 feet of front wall length
No accessory uses permitted in the front yard
Minimum Side Yard Setback
5 feet each yard with a minimum total of 13 feet for buildings less than two stories or having less than 50 feet front wall length
10 feet each yard for buildings two stories or greater or having 50 feet or more of front wall length
3 feet for accessory uses
Minimum Rear Yard Setback
25 feet plus 5 feet for each additional unit over two dwellings
3 feet for accessory uses
Maximum Density
8 dwelling units per acre for two family dwellings
24 dwelling units per acre for multi family dwellings
   (B)   Minimum off-street parking and loading standards. Minimum off-street parking and loading standards shall be as regulated by Chapter 1280.
   (C)   Buffer requirements. Buffer requirements shall be as regulated by Chapter 1276.
(Ord. 2003-51, passed 5-20-03)