§ 1244.06 ZONING PERMIT.
   (A)   Anyone desiring to use land pursuant to this zoning code must obtain a zoning permit. No construction, modification or conversion of land or structures, shall occur without first obtaining a zoning permit. Failure to obtain a zoning permit shall constitute a violation of this zoning code.
   (B)   A permit under which no work is commenced within one year after issuance thereof, shall expire by limitation, and where work is commenced and then abandoned for one year, the Zoning Administrator or authorized representative shall order the incomplete structure to be removed by the owner. Upon failure of the owner to remove the same within six months, such owner shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to the penalty contained in Chapter 1299.
   (C)   An applicant may request from the Planning Commission or City Council, an extension of the zoning permit and zoning certificate of occupancy for one additional year, provided that the request is made prior to the expiration of the first permit and that sufficient information is submitted by the applicant to justify such extension.
(Ord. 2003-51, passed 5-20-03)