(A) The Council of the City of Reading finds it necessary and in the best interest of the city to charge a garbage collection fee and, by reason thereof, such fees will be hereby authorized.
(B) Garbage collection fees will be set as a pass- through of fees as set by the provider on a per household basis.
(C) Housing consisting of more than two units shall not be included in the city's Garbage Collection Program.
(D) Billing of garbage collection fees shall be on a quarterly basis, and shall be included on the quarterly water and sewer bills.
(E) Collection of billing shall be the responsibility of the administration, in such a manner that payments received will be applied as follows:
(1) Collection shall first be applied to garbage collection fees, and be deposited into the General Fund.
(2) Remainder of collections shall be applied to the water and sewer billings, and deposited into the Water Fund.
(3) Any unpaid portion shall be considered as unpaid water and sewer charges and be dealt with appropriately.
(F) These fees will become effective January 1, 2005.
(G) Definitions. For the purposes of this section, the following words shall be defined as follows:
DIRECTOR means the Safety-Service Director.
FAMILY means one or more persons occupying a premises and residing as a single housekeeping unit.
GARBAGE means any and all kitchen or other organic refuse including, among other things, animal, fish, fowl, fruit, and other animal or vegetable matter, decaying or spoiled meats or vegetable matter, or any substance or thing whatsoever which might decompose or become offensive or dangerous to health and shall include, among other things, every accumulation of all matter that attends preparation, use, cooking, dealing in, or storing of milk or milk products, meat, fish, fowl, fruit, and animal or vegetable matter.
GARBAGE COLLECTOR means the city, and each and all of its duly authorized agents and employees connected with the collection and disposal of garbage or rubbish or both.
HOUSEHOLDER means the head of a family or one maintaining his separate quarters on premises, and shall include owners, tenants, and occupants of all premises upon which garbage or rubbish, or both is created.
PREMISES means land or buildings or both, or parts of either or both, whether occupied or unoccupied.
PRIVATE GARBAGE COLLECTOR means any person who shall collect and dispose of garbage or rubbish or both for premises other than single-family premises and two-family premises.
RUBBISH means ashes, chips, sticks, bottles, broken glass, crockery, tins, cast iron, cans, rags, woodenware, boxes, grass, excelsior, waste paper, circulars, handbills, boots, shoes, hats, and clothing.
(H) Storage and disposal.
(1) Each householder, where garbage or rubbish is created or allowed to be, shall obtain and keep available for the exclusive use of the premises, a sufficient number of approved containers to hold all the garbage and rubbish created or accumulated thereon for the period of one week between garbage collections.
(2) In the case of multiple dwellings, the property owner and the tenant shall both be considered primarily responsible for the observance of these regulations.
(3) Garbage and rubbish containers shall be standard size, air- and water-tight, and shall be equipped with two handles or a bale for lifting, and tight fitting lid. Containers shall not exceed 35 gallons in capacity or 75 pounds in weight when filled, unless they shall be containers designed to be emptied by mechanical means.
(4) All garbage created or accumulated on the premises shall be kept in approved containers as herein provided.
(5) Garbage containers and rubbish not in containers shall be kept on private premises in a location not readily visible from the street, and not a nuisance to adjoining neighbors. No garbage or rubbish shall be kept within the limits of a street or other public place except when placed for collection.
(6) Garbage and rubbish shall be placed for collection weekly on the scheduled day. Material shall be placed at the curb between the sidewalk and the curb, or not more than six feet from the edge of the paved roadway. No refuse shall be placed for collection earlier than 18 hours prior to the start of such collection, and rubbish containers shall be returned to their proper location on private property within 14 hours following the start of the collection.
(7) Newspapers and magazines may be placed for collection in disposable containers, or tied in bundles in sizes convenient for handling by one person.
(8) No person shall remove any garbage or rubbish from any single-family or two-family premises occupied by a householder except the householder, owner or garbage collector.
(9) No householder or other person in the city shall throw or deposit any garbage, rubbish, or waste matter, or cause the same to be thrown or deposited upon any street or any public place, or upon any vacant lot, or where rats, mice, dogs, cats, birds, fowl, or other living things can feed thereon.
(I) Storage limited. No person shall keep garbage or rubbish for a longer period of time upon his premises than that expiring between two consecutive collection dates when actual collections are made by the garbage collector.
(J) Unlawful disposal. No person, shall deposit any garbage or rubbish in any of the sewers of the city.
(K) City to have exclusive collection rights. The city shall have the exclusive right to collect, remove, and dispose of all garbage and rubbish from all single- family premises and two-family premises in the city.
(L) Penalty. Whoever violates any provisions of this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor. Each day on which a violation occurs or continues shall be deemed a separate offense.
(Ord. 2004-90, passed 9-21-04)