   The parent of a child of compulsory school age shall cause such child to attend a school in the Reading School District, to participate in a special education program under Ohio R.C. Chapter 3323 or to otherwise be instructed in accordance with the law. Every child of compulsory school age shall attend a school or participate in a special education program that conforms to the minimum standards prescribed by the State Board of Education until the child either:
   (A)   Receives a diploma granted by the Board or other governing authority, indicating that he or she has successfully completed the high school curriculum;
   (B)   Receives an age and schooling certificate as provided in Ohio R.C. 3331.01; or
   (C)   Is excused from school under standards adopted by the Board pursuant to Ohio R.C. 3321.04, or if in need of special education, he or she is excused from such programs pursuant to Ohio R.C. 3321.04.
(‘82 Code, § 662.02) (Ord. 85-49, passed 9-3-85)
   (A)   Every parent of a child of compulsory school age who is not employed under an age and schooling certificate must send such child to a school or to a special education program that conforms to the minimum standards prescribed by the State Board of Education for the full time the school or program attended is in session, which session shall not be less than 32 weeks per school year. Such attendance must begin within the first week of the school term or program, within one week of the date on which the child begins to reside in the district or within one week after his or her withdrawal from employment.
   (B)   For the purpose of operating a school or program on a trimester plan, FULL TIME THE SCHOOL ATTENDED IS IN SESSION, as used in this section, means the two trimesters to which the child is assigned by the Board. For the purpose of operating a school or program on a quarterly plan, FULL TIME THE SCHOOL ATTENDED IS IN SESSION, as used in this section, means the three quarters to which the child is assigned by the Board. For the purpose of operating a school or program on a pentamester plan, FULL TIME THE SCHOOL IS IN SESSION, as used in this section, means the four pentamesters to which the child is assigned by the Board.
   (C)   Excuses from future attendance at or past absence from school or a special education program may be granted for the following causes, by the authorities, under the following conditions:
      (1)   The Superintendent of Schools of the Reading School District may excuse a child from attendance for any part of the remainder of the current school year upon a satisfactory showing of either of the following facts:
         (a)   That his or her bodily or mental condition does not permit his or attendance at school or a special education program during such period. This fact shall be certified, in writing, by a licensed physician, or, in the case of a mental condition, by a licensed physician, a licensed psychologist, a licensed school psychologist or a certificated school psychologist. In addition, provision shall be made for appropriate instruction of the child, in accordance with Ohio R.C. Chapter 3323.
         (b)   That he or she is being instructed at home by a person qualified to teach the branches in which instruction is required, and such additional branches as the advancement and needs of the child may, in the opinion of such Superintendent, require. In each such case, the issuing Superintendent shall file in his or her office, with a copy of the excuse, papers showing how the inability of the child to attend school or a special education program or the qualifications of the person instructing the child at home were determined. All such excuses shall become void and subject to recall upon the removal of the disability of the child or upon the cessation of proper home instruction. Thereupon, the child or his or her parents may be proceeded against after due notice, whether or not such excuse is recalled.
      (2)   The State Board of Education may adopt rules authorizing the Superintendent of Schools of the Reading School District to excuse a child over 14 years of age from attendance for a future limited period for the purpose of performing necessary work directly and exclusively for his or her parent or legal guardian.
      (3)   The Reading Board of Education, or the governing authorities of a private or parochial school, may, in the rules governing the discipline in such schools, prescribe the authority by which and the manner in which any child may be excused for absence from such school for good and sufficient reasons.
   (D)   (1)   All excuses provided for in division (C)(1) and (2) of this section shall be in writing and shall show the reason for excusing the child. A copy thereof shall be sent to the person in charge of the child.
      (2)   The State Board of Education may, by rule, prescribe conditions governing the issuance of excuses, which conditions shall be binding upon the authorities authorized to issue such excuses.
(‘82 Code, § 662.03) (Ord. 85-49, passed 9-3-85)
   If any child attends instruction elsewhere than in a public school, such instruction shall be in a school which conforms to the minimum standards prescribed by the State Board of Education. The hours and term of attendance exacted shall be equivalent to the hours and term of attendance required of children in the Reading School District. This section does not require a child to attend a high school instead of a vocational, commercial or other special type of school, provided that the instruction therein is for a term and for hours equivalent to those of the high school, and provided that his or her attendance at such school will not interfere with a continuous program of education for the child to the age of 16.
(‘82 Code, § 662.04) (Ord. 85-49, passed 9-3-85)
   On the request of the Superintendent of Schools or the Reading Board of Education, or when it otherwise comes to his or her notice, the attendance officer shall examine any case of supposed truancy within the Reading School District and shall warn the child, if fund truant, and his or her parent, guardian or other person in charge of such child, in writing, of the legal consequences of truancy if it continues. When any child of compulsory school age, in violation of law, is not attending school, the attendance officer shall notify the parent, guardian or other person in charge of such child of the fact and shall require such parent, guardian or other person to cause the child to attend school forthwith. Such parent, guardian or other person shall cause such child's attendance at school. Upon the failure of such parent, guardian or other person to do so, the attendance officer shall make a complaint against such parent, guardian or other person in any court of competent jurisdiction.
(‘82 Code, § 662.05) (Ord. 85-49, passed 9-3-85)
   Curfew for school age children, see § 636.195
§ 662.06 VIOLATIONS.
   (A)   No parent, guardian or other person having care of a child of compulsory school age shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter. The court may require a person convicted of violating this division to give bond in the sum of $100, with sureties to the approval of the court, conditioned that he or she will cause the child under his or her charge to attend instruction as provided by law and to remain as a pupil in the school or class during the term prescribed by law.
   (B)   No parent, guardian or other person shall fail or refuse to pay a fine and costs for violating division (A) of this section or fail to give bond as provided for in such division.
   (C)   This section does not relieve from prosecution and conviction any parent, guardian or other person upon a further violation of this section, nor shall forfeiture of the bond relieve such person from prosecution and conviction upon a further violation of this section.
   (D)   Whoever violates division (A) of this section shall be fined not less than $5 nor more than $20 for each day of absence of such child.
   (E)   Whoever violates division (B) of this section shall be imprisoned not more than 30 days.
(‘82 Code, § 662.06) (Ord. 85-49, passed 9-3-85)