(A) Meeting. All meetings of the Commission shall be public meetings open to the public at all times, except as provided in Ohio R.C. 121.22(G).
(B) Public notice of meetings.
(1) Regular meetings. Notice shall be given of the time, place and date of all regular meetings of the Commission by posting the notice in places designated by the Commission.
(2) Special meetings. All meetings of the Commission which are not regular meetings are hereby declared to be special meetings and notice shall be given as follows:
(a) Notice shall be given to all news media or designated members thereof who file a written request with the Secretary on or before the third day of January of each and every year, by the Secretary pursuant to and in accordance with the written request filed by each such news media or designated representative thereof. All such written requests shall specify the name, address and all telephone numbers at which such news media or its designated representative may be found at any time and shall also contain like information for a designated alternate representative. Such telephone notice shall include, but not be limited to, the time, place, date and purpose of said meeting and shall be given not less than 24 hours prior to such special meeting.
(b) Notice shall be given to any member of the general public requesting notice ofmeetings where any specific type of business is to be discussed as hereinafter provided.
(3) Emergency special meeting requiring immediate action. The member calling a special meeting shall notify all news media or designated members thereof who have filed a written request with the Secretary on or before the third day of January of each year. Such telephone notice shall be given by the member calling the meeting pursuant to and in accordance with the written request filed by each news media or designated representative thereof who have complied fully and completely with the provisions of division (B)(2) of this section.
(C) Public notice - specific type of business.
(1) Any member of the general public may request notice of any meeting of the Commission at which any specific type of business is to be discussed. Any and all such requests shall comply with the following:
(a) All requests shall be made in writing and on a form prescribed by the Law Director and obtained from the Secretary.
(b) All requests shall be accompanied by a fee set by the Commission and shall be accompanied by not less than 12 stamped, pre-addressed envelopes. It shall be the responsibility of the person requesting notice to provide the Secretary with the proper postage, and in the event of an increase in the postal rates, the person requesting notice shall be solely and completely responsible for supplying the Secretary with additional postage. The fee shall entitle such person to notice for a period not to exceed 12 months from the date of application.
(2) The Secretary shall immediately establish a written journal or other record which shall include, but shall not be limited to, the names, addresses, telephone numbers, area of interest, and date of application for each member of the general public requesting notice of all meetings at which a specific type of public business will be discussed.
(a) Regular meetings. The Secretary shall give notice by ordinary U.S. mail utilizing the stamped, pre-addressed envelope provided by each such member of the general public when the particular type of public business in question is to be discussed.
(b) All other meetings. The Secretary shall attempt to notify each member of the general public interested in the specific type of public business by telephone. Where the Secretary fails to reach such person, notice shall be sent by ordinary U.S. mail.
(D) Minutes.
(1) The Secretary shall prepare and make available to the general public full and complete minutes of all meetings of the Commission when approved. The minutes need only reflect the general subject matter of discussions in executive sessions.
(2) The minutes of a regular or special meeting shall be open to public inspection. Copies of the minutes shall not be made available to the general public or any member thereof unless and until said member of the general public shall have paid to the Secretary the standard fee per page for each copy requested.
(Ord. 2001-03, passed 1-16-01)