(A) The Treasurer of the City of Reading is hereby granted the elective right to choose to become a full-time city employee with full city benefits, as is available to all other similar appointed city employees upon the acceptance and conditions as follows:
(1) One of the full-time positions of Deputy Treasurer would be terminated. All salary and benefits as are established for one of the full-time positions of Deputy Treasurer shall become void.
(2) The Treasurer, assuming the position of a full-time employee, shall assume all day-to-day administrative responsibilities and shall be paid a salary in the amount of $35,000 per year with all benefits available to the said Treasurer as available to other appointed positions under elected officials.
(B) Council approves said election of the Treasurer to become a full-time paid employee with full benefits for the sole purpose of reducing the overall cost of the operations for the city. The said existing salary established for the elective position as a part-time employee of the city as Treasurer shall be terminated and be considered void and the sole salary that the Treasurer shall receive shall be $35,000.00 with full benefits.
(C) The Treasurer who chooses to become a Treasurer with full benefits shall make his or her election to become Treasurer with full benefits subsequent to the November general election but prior to the first day of January beginning with his or her four-year term as Treasurer. The newly elected and/or appointed Treasurer shall perfect notice of his or her election to become a Treasurer with full benefits by delivering personally a letter addressed to the President of Council of the City of Reading and delivered to the Clerk of Council of the City of Reading, specifically stating his or her election to become Treasurer with full benefits accordingly. In the event of a resignation, death or termination of a Treasurer currently serving the city, the newly appointed or elected Treasurer likewise shall make his or her election as a Treasurer with full benefits prior to having assumed the oath of office and the beginning of the term.
(D) Any newly elected or newly appointed Treasurer, upon assuming his or her sworn duties as Treasurer, shall be independently granted his or her own election to assume the duties as full-time Treasurer or to elect to serve as a part-time Treasurer. The position of Deputy Treasurer shall be re- established if the newly appointed or newly elected Treasurer chooses to be a part-time Treasurer. All salaries and benefits as currently exists upon the passage of this section for the position of said Deputy Treasurer and part-time Treasurer shall immediately be reinstated.
(Ord. 2003-66, passed 6-17-03)