Administration of Building Regulations
1410.01   Building Code defined.
1410.02   Building Department.
1410.03   Building inspection.
1410.04   Appointment, term and removal of Chief Building Official; compensation of personnel.
1410.05   Flood hazard considerations.
1410.06   Compensation of Inspectors.
1410.07   Enforcement; permits and certificates.
1410.08   Fund for removal, repairing or securing of fire damaged buildings.
1410.99   Penalty.
Power to regulate building erection - see Ohio R.C. 715.26, 715.29, 737.28
Ohio State building standards - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 3781; B. & H. Ch. 1402
Chief Building Official to enforce Zoning Code - see P. & Z. 1262.01
Nonconforming uses - see P. & Z. Ch. 1270
Electrical permit required; exceptions - see B. & H. 1412.03
Plumbing permits - see B. & H. 1414.02
Building permits and fees - see B. & H. Ch. 1422
   Building Code, as used in this Building and Housing Code, means Titles Two through Six of Part Fourteen of these Codified Ordinances, including all technical standards adopted therein.
(1972 Code §1301.01)
   (a)   There is hereby established in and for the City a Building Department, which shall be administered by a Chief Building Official, who shall report to the Mayor. Such Department shall be staffed by such other building inspectors, including plumbing, electrical and heating inspectors, as are essential to complete the inspection of buildings and structures in the City. Each inspector shall have certification as required by the laws of the State.
   The Building Department shall have, when necessary, a Chief Enforcement Officer, who shall be an architect or professional engineer registered in the State, having at least five years experience in building construction and design.
   All field inspectors shall have the ability to read and understand drawings and specifications and be capable of determining compliance with the Building Department's approved plans to the extent necessary for enforcement.
   The Building Department shall have such other personnel as are necessary.
   (b)   The Building Department shall have an office conveniently located within the City which shall be open at least six hours each day, Monday through Friday, excepting legal holidays.
   (c)   The City may contract with a certified building inspection department or health district, or with persons, firms or corporations under contract to furnish architectural and engineering services to the City, meeting the requirements of this Building Code.
   (d)   The Building Department of the City shall work under the supervision of the Mayor.
(Ord. 1983-95. Passed 10-16-83.)
   The Chief Building Official shall administer and enforce all laws of the State and ordinances of the City relating to the construction, alteration, maintenance and repair of buildings and structures and electric wiring, plumbing, heating and other mechanical devices which are an integral part of buildings and structures.
   The Chief Building Official shall act on all applications for permits to erect, construct, install, enlarge, alter, repair or remove any wall or any building, structure, plumbing, heating, integral electrical or ventilating apparatus, or any part thereof, and shall collect the fees fixed by Council for such inspections and pay them into the Municipal Treasury, when received. No building permit shall be issued unless the plans for such erection, construction, installation, enlargement, alteration or removal fully comply with the City Building Code and the Ohio Basic Building Code.
   The Chief Building Official shall examine all buildings in the course of the erection, alteration, repair or removal, as often as necessary to insure efficient supervision and construction in conformity with the plans and specifications.
   The Chief Building Official shall issue a certificate of occupancy as to all buildings constructed in accordance with the laws of the City or the State, and shall refuse to issue a certificate of occupancy as to all buildings or structures or parts thereof not constructed in accordance with such laws.
   The Chief Building Official shall keep complete records of all permits issued, fees collected and inspections made as well, as other official work performed, and shall submit to the Mayor a report on such activities once each month.
(Ord. 1983-95. Passed 10-16-83.)