(a)   Before undertaking any electrical work within the City, an application for a permit, accompanied by the fees prescribed in Chapter 1422, shall be made to the Electrical Inspector. A permit shall be issued and the work completed in conformity with the Electrical Code.
(Ord. 1972-77. Passed 10-2-72.)
   (b)   An electrical permit is required for all electrical work done in the City, except that:
      (1)   No permit is required for minor repair work, such as repairing flush and snap switches, replacing fuses, changing lamp sockets and receptacles, and repairing drop cords, nor for the replacement of lamps or the connection of portable devices to suitable receptacles which have been permanently installed.
      (2)   No permit is required for the installation of any electric wiring, device or equipment installed for or by a public utility corporation operating under a franchise from the City to transmit and sell or use electrical energy, provided that such wiring, device or equipment is for the exclusive use of the corporation in its operation of plant and outside equipment as a public utility.
      (3)   No permit is required where the total cost of labor and material does not exceed twenty-five dollars ($25.00), but each licensed electrician shall, at the beginning of each month, file with the electrical inspector a record of all such work done by him or her during the preceding month.
      (4)   No permit is required for the installation of any electric wiring, device or equipment installed for or by a public utility corporation operating under a franchise from the City to transmit and sell or use electrical energy, provided that such wiring, device or equipment is for the exclusive use of the corporation in its operation of plant and outside equipment as a public utility.
         (Ord. 1954-33. Passed 4-5-54; Ord. 2004-007. Passed 3-1-04.)
      (5)   No permit is required where the total cost of labor and material does not exceed twenty-five dollars ($25.00), but each licensed electrician shall, at the beginning of each month, file with the Electrical Inspector a record of all such work done by him or her during the preceding month.
(Ord. 1962-32. Passed 6-19-62.)