The driver of any vehicle shall not follow any fire apparatus traveling in response to a fire alarm closer than 500 feet or drive into or park such vehicle within the block where fire apparatus has stopped in answer to a fire alarm.
(Neb. RS 60-6,183) (Prior Code, § 5-317) Penalty, see § 71.999
No person shall drive a motor vehicle when it is so loaded or when there is in the front seat such a number of persons exceeding three as to obstruct the view of the driver to the front or sides of the vehicle or to interfere with the driver’s control over the driving mechanism of such vehicle.
(Neb. RS 60-6,179) (Prior Code, § 5-318) Penalty, see § 71.999
No person shall permit any other person to ride on the running board, hood, top, or fenders of any motor vehicle. Nor shall any person ride on the running board, hood, top, or fenders of any motor vehicle.
(Prior Code, § 5-319) Penalty, see § 71.999
No motor vehicle shall be driven or ridden within any sidewalk space except a permanent or temporary driveway.
(Neb. RS 60-6,178) (Prior Code, § 5-320) Penalty, see § 71.999
Every motor vehicle operated within the city shall be provided with a muffler in good working order to prevent excessive or unusual noise or smoke. No person shall modify or change the exhaust muffler, intake muffler, or any other noise abatement device of a motor vehicle in a manner such that the noise emitted by the motor vehicle is increased above that emitted by the vehicle as originally manufactured. It shall be unlawful to use a “muffler cut-out” on any motor vehicle upon any street; provided, the provisions of this section shall not apply to authorized emergency vehicles.
(Neb. RS 60-6,286, 60-6,370) (Prior Code, § 5-321) Penalty, see § 71.999