(A)   Subdivision control.
      (1)   Home rule authority. As a home rule unit of local government under Article VII Section 6(a) of the Illinois Constitution, the City of Quincy has authority to control and regulate the subdivision of real property within its jurisdiction.
      (2)   Comprehensive Plan. The Plan is applicable to all land within the municipal limits and the contiguous territory not more than one and one-half miles beyond the corporate limits and not included in any other municipality.
      (3)   Plat conformity. Pursuant to the Illinois Municipal Code, ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5, § 11-12-12 and the Illinois Plat Act, ILCS Ch. 765, Act 205, § 2, a plat of subdivision of land within the limits of the city or the contiguous territory not more than one and one-half miles beyond the corporate limits may not be recorded unless it is in conformity with this chapter and the city's Comprehensive Plan.
      (4)   Relation to zoning regulations. The City of Quincy has adopted Chapter 162: Zoning Regulations relating to the use of premises in the city and all contiguous unincorporated territory within one and one-half miles of the corporate limits. A developer seeking to subdivide a particular parcel must comply with both this chapter and Chapter 162.
   (B)   Definitions. For purposes of this chapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      BUILDING. A walled structure built for permanent use.
      BUILDING LINE. A line formed by the face of the building, and for purposes of this chapter, the minimum building line is the same as the front yard setback line provided in § 162.061.
      CITY. City of Quincy, Adams County, Illinois.
      CODE. The Code of Quincy.
      COMMON TREATMENT PLANT. A system of conduits that connects to a packaged waste water treatment plant that reduces organic materials, BOD and suspended solids in the waste water stream being treated.
      COMMISSION. Plan Commission of the City of Quincy.
      COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. The Comprehensive Plan of the City of Quincy as amended or readopted from time to time.
      CORNER LOT. A lot having at least two adjacent sides that abut for their full length upon streets. Both such lot lines shall be considered front lot lines.
      COUNCIL. City Council of the City of Quincy.
      DEVELOPER. An owner, optionor or other person having legal authority, which seeks to subdivide land and has filed a preliminary plan with the Plan Commission.
      DOUBLE FRONTAGE LOT. A lot having frontage on two non-intersecting streets, as distinguished from a corner lot.
      DWELLING UNIT. A single unit providing complete, independent living facilities for one or more persons, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation.
      FLAG LOT. A lot not fronting or abutting a public street and where access to the public street is limited to a narrow, private right-of-way.
      HOUSEHOLD. A family living together in a dwelling unit with common access to and use of all living and eating areas within the unit.
      IDOT. Illinois Department of Transportation
      INFRASTRUCTURE. Permanent, dedicated public structures or improvements necessary for the development of a subdivision.
      JURISDICTION. All lands within the municipal limits of the city and the contiguous territory not more than one and one-half miles beyond the corporate limits and not included in any other municipality.
      LANDSCAPING. Improvements to outdoor terrain.
      LOT. A parcel of land whether or not previously subdivided.
      MASTER SEWER EXTENSION PLAN. A compilation of engineering reports that analyze the hydraulic capacity of the city's sewer system under current and future flow conditions and outline recommended capital improvements needed to ensure adequate capacity to serve new developments and extensions of the system.
      MASTER STREET PLAN. The Master Street Plan of the city as adopted by the City Council on May 18, 1999, as amended from time to time by the Council.
      NON-CONFORMING USE. A use defined in §§ 162.125 through 162.136.
      PARK ROAD. A street within the boundaries of a Quincy Park District property.
      PLAT. A plat of survey of a proposed subdivision prepared by an Illinois Registered Land Surveyor, in accordance with the Illinois Plat Act, ILCS Ch. 765, Act 205, §§ 1 et seq.
      PRELIMINARY PLAN.  A preliminary subdivision plan submitted under § 161.03, as modified and approved by the Director of Engineering under §§ 161.05 through 161.12, including the subdivision plat.
      PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM. An entity that provides water for human consumption through pipes or other conveyances to at least 15 service connections or serves an average of at least 25 people for at least 60 days a year.
      SMALL TRACT SUBDIVISION. A subdivision of land into less than five lots of less than five acres each, where:
         (a)   Public water service, or potable ground water source complying with Chapter 52 and approved by the Director of Utilities, is available;
         (b)   No streets or easements of access are created;
         (c)   The appropriate governmental authority certifies in writing that access exists, or can be obtained, from an existing public right-of-way;
         (d)   The existing public right-of-way providing access to the subdivision has curbs and sidewalks in substantial compliance with this chapter or, in the alternative, no curbs or sidewalks exist or are planned by the appropriate governmental authority within 1,200 feet of the subdivision entrance; and
         (e)   A public sanitary sewer system serves any lot of less than one acre (43,560 square feet); or
         (f)   The proposal is for the subdivision or re-subdivision of existing tracts into two or more lots where each new lot has a separate building on it erected at least ten years prior to the subdivision application, provided that each lot has access to a public street and no non-conforming uses or structures are created.
      STREET. Any dedicated right-of-way, whether state or county highway, township road or city street as determined by Master Street Plan or Department of Engineering. All streets shall be classified as:
         (a)   Arterial: Serves major centers of activity, receives high traffic volume, provides service to long trips, and/or provides continuity for rural arterial. Arterials place more emphasis on traffic mobility than land use.
         (b)   Collector: Provides land access service and traffic circulation within residential neighborhoods, commercial and industrial areas; provides service trips of relatively short length; and/ or distributes travel from arterials to destinations. A minor amount of through traffic may be expected.
         (c)   Local: Provides direct access to abutting land and access to collector and arterial streets, offers the lowest level of mobility, provides service to trips of short length, and/or deliberately discourages service to through traffic movement.
         (d)   Commercial: Streets serving industrial or commercial (retail or wholesale) lots within the subdivided area.
         (e)   Rural: Section of roadway with no curb or gutter and a minimum of two 12-foot driving lanes, four-foot shoulders and a ditch section on both sides.
         (f)   Private: Streets that provide no public interest and are maintained by the private developer and or home owners association.
         (a)   A SUBDIVISION is:
            1.   The creation of one or more lots, any of which is less than five acres in area; or
            2.   The division of land into two or more lots where one lot has no access from a street without the dedication of a street or the creation of an easement for ingress or egress.
         (b)   A SUBDIVISION is not:
            1.   Created by the conveyance of an existing lot or the division of a lot previously subdivided in a manner conforming to the subdivision regulations in effect at the time of subdivision;
            2.   A conveyance or exchange of land between adjoining owners which does not create a lot of less than five acres.
      SWALE. A long and narrow landform which collects or disperses storm water.
      TITLE EVIDENCE. Recorded deed, notice of probate, release of decedent's interest, contract for deed, real estate purchase agreement, option or other instrument showing that a developer has a legal or equitable interest in land described in a preliminary plan.
      WATER COURSE. A natural or artificial channel in which water flows.
(Ord. 9278, passed 6-22-2015)