(A) Compliance with city plans. The width and arrangement of streets and rights-of-way shall conform to the city's Comprehensive Plan and Master Street Plan.
(B) Rights-of-way. The minimum width of right-of-way for streets shall be:
(1) Arterial: 100 feet.
(2) Collector/commercial: 80 feet/60 feet.
(3) Local/rural: 50 feet/66 feet
(C) Additional rights-of-way requirements:
(1) Additional rights-of-way may be required for drainage, slope maintenance or other reasons required for proper street construction and maintenance.
(2) When a subdivision adjoins an existing street, or is located where a street is proposed on the city's Master Street Plan, the following requirements shall apply:
(a) The required minimum street right-of-way shall be set forth on the plat when the subdivision is located on both sides of the existing or proposed street;
(b) One-half of the required street right-of-way measured from the centerline of the street shall be provided when the subdivision is located on only one side of the existing or proposed street; and
(c) When the centerline of a street varies from the subdivision property line, the Director of Engineering and the developer shall determine the right-of-way dedication.
(D) Relation to existing streets and street plan. Whenever possible, existing streets shall be extended and interconnected to proposed subdivision streets at the developer's expense and shall include uniform connection of pavement, curb, gutter, sidewalk and storm sewer. Existing cul-de-sac pavements, curbs, sidewalks and utilities shall be modified to achieve uniformity between existing street infrastructure and proposed subdivision infrastructure. Where proposed streets do not abut existing streets, they shall be planned to connect with street extensions shown on Exhibit H of the Major Street Plan. Street extensions shall be extended and dedicated to within 15 feet of the subdivision's boundaries and the developer shall reserve to the city a 100-year option to purchase, for $1, the remaining 15-foot strip of land for extension of the street to the subdivision boundary. Streets shall not be planned to use Quincy Park District roads for access to or from the subdivision.
(E) Street names. Planned streets which are in general alignment with existing streets shall bear the name of such existing streets and all street names shall be compatible with the regulations and operating procedures of the city and Adams County 9-1-1 communication system.
(F) Medians and islands. Where medians or islands are proposed by the developer and approved by the Director of Engineering, they shall be constructed with barrier curbing. The maintenance and repair of all medians and islands shall be the responsibility of the owner or home owners association. Medians or islands may be landscaped. Vegetation may not exceed a height of three feet above the top of the curb defining the median or island. The vegetation must be maintained to allow appropriate sight distances. A median or island may contain a sign or structure that is in accordance with §§ 162.255 through 162.268 of the sign regulations and approved by the Director of Engineering. The sign or structure shall not impede appropriate site distances. A street light may be placed in a median or island, allowing for appropriate sight distances.
(G) Spite strip. Reserving a strip of land controlling access to a public street shall be prohibited except where control is placed with the Director of Engineering under terms approved by the City Council.
(Ord. 9278, passed 6-22-2015)