(A) Purpose. The purpose of this district is to provide areas of low density, suburban type residential development with particular emphasis on promoting residential subdivision development.
(B) Permitted uses.
(1) Single-family dwellings;
(2) Accessory buildings and uses incidental to the use permitted, located on the same lot or parcel;
(3) Temporary buildings for use incidental to construction;
(4) Churches;
(5) Public, private and parochial schools;
(6) Fire stations;
(7) Parking lots established to fulfill parking requirements for an existing or permitted use in the district;
(8) Municipal parks, playgrounds, clubhouses and libraries;
(9) Home occupations (see definition of “home occupation”);
(10) Manufactured home Type 1;
(11) Model home;
(12) Child care home (see definition of “child care home”); and
(13) Conservation subdivision(s).
(C) Development standards.
(1) Minimum lot size shall be three acres for individual lots.
(2) Lots of less than three acres may be permitted in an approved and recorded subdivision under the county subdivision control regulations, if such lots are equal to or greater than 30,000 square feet in area.
(3) Minimum lot frontage on road:
(a) Lots in subdivisions or other lots: 60 feet on cul-de-sac; 100 feet on other lots; and
(b) Three acre (or greater) lots: 250 feet.
(4) Minimum setback lines on any side of lot abutting freeways and arterials all lots:
(a) Freeway: 200 feet; and
(b) Arterial: 120 feet.
(5) Minimum setback lines:
(a) Front yard:
1. Lots in subdivisions: 60 feet; and
2. Three acre (or greater) lots: 80 feet on designated collector roads and not less than 60 feet on other public roads.
(b) Side yard:
1. Lots in subdivisions or other lots: 15 feet, except corner lots when 30 foot front yard setbacks will also apply to side yard; and
2. Three acre (or greater) lots: 50 feet.
(c) Rear yard:
1. Lots in subdivisions or other lots: 30 feet; and
2. Three acre (or greater) lots: 50 feet.
(6) Minimum lot width at building line:
(a) Lots in subdivisions or other lots: 100 feet; and
(b) Three acre (or greater) lots: 250 feet.
(7) Maximum building height shall not exceed two and one-half stories or 35 feet, whichever is lower.
(8) Minimum ground level square footage (single-family dwelling exclusive of porches, terraces and garages):
(a) Single story: 1350 square feet;
(b) Two story: 900 square feet;
(c) Tri-level: 900 square feet; and
(d) Story and one-half: 900 square feet.
(9) Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the requirements § 155.048.
(10) No abandoned, junked, inoperable or derelict vehicles, machinery, farm machinery, equipment or miscellaneous scrap or building debris may be stored in front yards.
(11) Any portion of a pond or pond dam shall be set back 15 feet from any property line.
(Ord. passed 7-20-1992; Ord. 1994-6-20-2, passed 6-20-1994; Ord. 1999-4-19-1, passed 4-19-1999)
(A) Purpose. The purpose of this district is to provide areas of moderate density, suburban residential development with particular emphasis on promoting residential subdivision development.
(B) Permitted uses.
(1) Single-family dwellings;
(2) Two-family dwellings;
(3) Multi-family dwellings;
(4) Accessory buildings (see § 155.024(B)(2));
(5) Temporary buildings for use during construction period;
(6) Public, parochial or private schools;
(7) Churches;
(8) Municipal parks, playgrounds and clubhouses;
(9) Fire stations;
(10) Parking lots, when fulfilling parking requirement for a use;
(11) Model home;
(12) Manufactured home Type 1 and 2;
(13) Home occupations;
(14) Child care home (see definition of “child care home”); and
(15) Conservation subdivision(s).
(C) Development standards.
(1) Minimum lot size shall be one and one-half net buildable acres for individual lots.
(2) Lots less than one and one-half net buildable acres may be permitted in an approved subdivision under the county subdivision control regulations, if such lots are equal to or greater than 20,000 square feet in a single-family dwelling; 30,000 square feet in duplexes.
(3) Minimum lot frontage on public road:
(a) Lots in subdivisions and other lots:
1. One hundred feet for single-family dwelling, 60 feet on cul-de-sac; and
2. One hundred and twenty feet for duplexes, 70 feet on cul-de-sac.
(b) One and one-half acre (or greater) lots: 150 feet.
(4) Minimum setback lines:
(a) Front yard:
1. Lots in subdivisions:
a. Fifty feet for single-family; and
b. Fifty feet for duplexes.
2. One and one-half net buildable acre (or greater) lots:
a. Not less than 200 on freeways;
b. One hundred and twenty feet on designated primary and secondary arterials;
c. Not less than 80 feet on major and minor collectors; and
d. Not less than 60 feet on other roads.
(b) Side yards:
1. Lots in subdivisions and other lots:
a. Fifteen feet for single-family dwellings, except corner lots when 50 foot front yard setback will apply also to side yard on road; and
b. Twenty feet for duplexes.
2. One and one-half net buildable acre (or greater) lots: 25 feet.
(c) Rear yard:
1. Lots in subdivisions and other lots:
a. Thirty feet for single-family; and
b. Forty feet for duplexes.
2. One and one-half net buildable acre (or greater) lots: 30 feet.
(5) Minimum setbacks on any side of lot abutting freeways and arterials, all lots:
(a) Freeways: 200 feet; and
(b) Arterials: 120 feet.
(6) Maximum building height shall be 35 feet.
(7) Minimum ground level square footage (exclusive of open porches, terraces, and garages):
(a) Single-family:
1. Single story: 950 square feet;
2. Two story: 672 square feet;
3. Tri-level: 400 square feet (1,200 square feet total);
4. Story and one-half: 672 square feet; and
5. Manufactured home Type 1 and 2 (as defined in § 155.005).
(b) Two-family (duplexes):
1. Single story: 650 square feet per unit;
2. Two story: 650 square feet per unit;
3. Tri-level: 650 square feet per unit (basement and first level); and
4. Story and one-half: 650 square feet per unit.
(8) Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of § 155.048.
(9) No abandoned, junked, inoperable or derelict vehicles, machinery, farm machinery, equipment or miscellaneous scrap or building debris may be stored in front yards.
(10) Any portion of a pond or pond dam shall be set back 15 feet from any property line.
(Ord. passed 7-20-1992; Ord. 1994-6-20-2, passed 6-20-1994; Ord. 1999-4-19-1, passed 4-19-1999)
(A) Purpose. Businesses in the CC District cater to and are located close to residential districts and are developed in a manner that reflects the residential character of the area. These businesses must not create excessive congestion, noise or other objectionable influences. Businesses located in this district tend to serve the day-to-day needs of the neighborhoods in which they are located.
(B) Permitted uses.
(1) Drug stores;
(2) Beauty salons and barber shops;
(3) Carry-out stores;
(4) Bakeries with not more than six employees;
(5) Dressmaking and tailoring businesses;
(6) Self-service laundromats with not more than two employees at a time on the premises;
(7) Florist shops;
(8) Liquor stores;
(9) Photography shops;
(10) Groceries;
(11) Dry cleaning plants with not more than three employees;
(12) Restaurants without drive-through facilities;
(13) Medical and dental clinics;
(14) Offices;
(15) Animal clinics and veterinary clinics;
(16) Banquet hall/assembly facility/retreat center (may also include, but is not limited to, sports arenas, outdoor concerts, public theatre and dancing); and
(17) Other uses which are (as determined by the Plan Commission) of the same general character as those listed in this section, have been approved by the Plan Commission, and are not detrimental to the district in which they are located.
(C) Restricted uses.
(1) Any business which causes offensive noise, vibration, odor, dust, smoke or gas; and
(2) Salvage or wrecking.
(D) Development standards.
(1) Minimum lot area: one acre.
(2) Minimum lot frontage on road or street: 100 feet.
(3) Minimum setback lines:
(a) Front yard: 60 feet; and
(b) Side yard:
1. For side yards adjoining a road or street: not less than 60 feet;
2. For side yards abutting a dwelling: 60 feet; and
3. For all other side yards: 40 feet.
(c) Rear yard: 20 feet, unless the rear yard abuts a dwelling, in which case the rear yard setback shall be 60 feet.
(4) Minimum setback on any side of lot abutting freeway and arterials:
(a) All sides facing freeway: 100 feet; and
(b) All sides facing arterial: 100 feet.
(5) Maximum building height: 20 feet.
(6) Minimum ground level square footage required: none; however not more than 80% of the total area of any lot or any development on multiple lots shall be occupied by buildings roads parking areas, storage, drainage facilities and other accessory uses.
(7) Off-street and/or private parking and loading and unloading berths shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of § 155.048.
(8) No abandoned, junked, inoperable or derelict vehicles, machinery farm machinery, equipment or miscellaneous scrap or building debris may be stored on premises.
(9) Any portion of a pond or pond dam shall be set back 15 feet from any property line.
(Ord. passed 7-20-1992; Ord. 1994-6-20-2, passed 6-20-1994; Ord. 2019-12-2-3, passed 12-2-2019)