(A)   Generally.
      (1)   All required spaces for residential structures shall be located on the same parcel with the residential use.
      (2)   Parking spaces for commercial, industrial or institutional uses shall be located within 700 feet from the principal use. Parking spaces for apartments, dormitories or similar residential uses shall be located within 300 feet from their principal use.
      (3)   All parking spaces must be at least ten feet wide. Ninety degree, 60 degree and 45 degree lots must be 20 feet long; parallel parking lots must be 23 feet long.
      (4)   Two or more nonresidential uses may jointly provide and use parking spaces when their hours of operation do not overlap, and provided that a written agreement is filed with the Plan Commission.
      (5)   When two or more uses are located within the same building, off-street parking spaces shall equal the sum of the separate requirements for each use.
      (6)   All required off-street parking shall be paved with bituminous, concrete or other all-weather, dust proof surfacing and shall be provided with bumper guards or barrier curbs where needed.
      (7)   All open off-street parking shall be effectively screened on each side adjoining or fronting on any residence or institution. Walls, fences or densely planted hedges between five and eight feet high may be considered to be effective screens.
      (8)   Every commercial, industrial or public use requiring off-street loading shall provide berths. Off-street loading berths shall not be located in a public right-of-way or in a required front yard. Loading berths shall be at least 12 feet wide and 50 feet long.
   (B)   Development standards.
Off-Street Spaces Required
Off-Street Spaces Required
Bowling alleys
6 for each alley
1 for each 4 seats in main area
1 for every 200 sq. ft. of floor area
Combination of uses on the same parcel
The sum total of the number required for each use as determined according to the requirements set out in this zoning chapter
Convalescent homes and nursing homes
1 for each 4 beds, plus a passenger loading area
Dining rooms, restaurants, taverns and night clubs
1 for each 200 sq. ft.
1 for every guest room
2 for each single-family dwelling; 3 for each two-family dwelling; 1.5 for each residence unit in a structure containing more than 2 units
Fraternities and sororities
1 for every 2 members
Hospitals and clinics
1 for each doctor; plus 1 for each 3 regular employees; plus 1 for each 200 sq. ft. of gross floor area; plus an off-street passenger or patient unloading area
1 for every guest room
Industrial uses
   Permitted uses
1 for every 600 sq. ft. of gross floor area; or 1 for every 2 employees on the largest shift, whichever requires the greater number of spaces
   Special uses
Special uses will be determined by the County Board of Zoning Appeals according use but in no case shall the required parking be less than for permitted uses
Libraries, museums, art galleries
1 for each 400 sq. ft.
Private nurseries, day care, schools, kindergartens and children’s homes
1 for each regular employee, plus an off-street passenger loading area
Professional offices
1 for each 250 sq. ft. of gross floor area
Public utilities and other service facilities
1 for each 500 sq. ft. of gross floor area; or 2 for each 3 regular employees, whichever is greater
   Junior high
2 per classroom, plus an off-street passenger loading zone
   High school
10 per classroom
Retail business
1 for every 250 sq. ft. of gross floor area
(Ord. passed 7-20-1992)