   The legislative authority of the Village may establish a Planning Commission of five members, consisting of the Mayor, one member of the legislative authority, and three citizens of the Village to be appointed by the Mayor, for terms of six years each, except that the term of one of the members of the first Commission shall be for four years and one for two years, plus two alternates. Each alternate shall be appointed by the Mayor for four years, except that one of the initial alternates will be appointed for two years. Alternates will be notified in advance of any meeting or hearing where a member will be absent or where a conflict of interest exists for a regular member that will require that member's position to be declared vacant. In that event, the alternate member will attend the hearing and cast a vote as a regular member of the Commission.
(Ord. 1133-16.  Passed 9-12-16.)
1220.011  QUORUM.
   (a)   The Planning Commission shall require a quorum of three members at all of its meetings, and a vote of three members shall be necessary to effect an order of the Commission.
   (b)   In the event a member of the Planning Commission abstains from voting on a matter or otherwise refuses to vote on a matter without having a conflict of interest, that member's abstention shall be counted with the vote count of the majority.
   (c)   However, in the event a member of the Planning Commission has a conflict of interest and is unable to vote due to a violation of the Ohio Ethics Laws regarding any matter that is before the Commission, that member's seat or those members' seats on the Commission shall be deemed to be vacant for purposes of that vote. In that event, the majority shall be reconfigured to reflect the fact that the member's seat or those members' seats having a conflict of interest are deemed to be vacant and the concurring votes of the remaining members who are eligible to vote shall be counted to reflect a simple majority of the reconfigured majority.
(Ord. 1133-16.  Passed 9-12-16.)
   (a)   The Planning Commission shall, by majority vote of its members, elect a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson, and a Secretary, who shall occupy such offices until their successors are duly elected at the next annual meeting of the Commission, which shall be held during the month of January of each year.
   (b)   Meetings of the Commission shall be at the call of the Chairperson and at such other times as the commission may determine. The Commission shall keep minutes of its proceedings showing the vote of each member upon each question and of each member's absence or failure to vote.
   (c)   If any member of the Commission is absent for four consecutive meetings, he or she may be considered, at the option of the Chairperson, to have resigned, and the Chairperson may request the Mayor to appoint a replacement.
   (d)   The Commission shall keep records of every official action. Every rule or regulation, every amendment or repeal thereof, and every order, requirement, decision, or determination of the Commission shall be filed in the office of the Commission and shall be a public record.   
(Ord. 540-89.  Passed 2-14-89; Ord. 1010-11.  Passed 4-11-11.)
   The Planning Commission shall have such powers and duties as provided in all applicable sections of State law, especially Ohio R.C. Chapter 713.
(Ord. 549-89.  Passed 2-14-89; Ord. 1010-11.  Passed 4-11-11.)