Sec 122-376 Procedures
The Planning Commission and the City Council may zone, or rezone land as C-4, planned commercial district, according to the following procedures:
   A.   Application shall be submitted in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section 122-13.
   B.   Prior to submitting its final recommendation to the City Council, the Planning Commission shall review the proposal using the following criteria:
      1.   Consistency with the City's comprehensive plan;
      2.   Compatibility of the proposal with existing and projected development in adjacent areas;
      3.   Economic feasibility; and
      4.   Compliance with the provisions and standards included in Section 122-346, the special requirements for this district.
   C.   If the development is not under construction within two (2) years after the effective date of the rezoning, the Planning Commission shall review the status of the development, and, if it finds that the developer cannot proceed immediately with the project in conformity with all the requirements set forth in this division, this fact and the reasons thereof shall be reported to the City Council, along with the Planning Commission's recommendation for a suitable zoning district classification. The City Council may, at its discretion, set and hold the required hearings and rezone the area to a more suitable district.
   D.   Any substantial deviation from the development plan submitted at the time of rezoning shall constitute a violation of the building permit authorizing construction of the development. Substantial changes in the plan shall be resubmitted to the Planning Commission and the City Council for review and approval. No building permit shall be issued which is not in substantial conformity with the approved development plan.
(Code 1991, § 12-325)