Use of the R-6, planned residential development district, may be authorized when all of the following provisions are complied with:
A. Minimum site size. The minimum size of the site upon which a planned residential development may be located shall be shot less than five (5) acres.
B. Design characteristics. The proposed development shall be planned and designed as a unified residential area, compatible with existing and projected uses in the surrounding areas and considerate of existing vegetation, soils, topography, and drainage ways. The development shall encourage efficiency in the street and utility networks and extensive and creative use of open spaces through flexible design standards. All uses must be permitted uses (i.e., principal uses, accessory uses, or uses permitted on review) in residential zoning districts. Overall dwelling unit density of the proposed development shall not exceed the density which would be attained if the same were to be developed using a minimum lot area of six thousand five hundred (6,500) square feet.
C. Development plan. The applicant shall submit a development plan in support of his rezoning application for the use of the R-6, planned residential development district, which plan shall include:
1. Total acreage;
2. Structure locations;
3. Sizes;
4. Elevations and floor plans;
5. Driveway and parking areas and dimensions;
6. Lot and yard areas and dimensions;
7. A drainage plan;
8. Open space and recreation areas; and
9. Overall dwelling unit density.
Water and sewer plans shall also be provided, indicating the overall requirements of the development for appropriate linkage to the City water and sewer systems. The development plan may provide for staged development of the project and shall so indicate on the plan. A study of the City's housing market shall also be provided, as proof of the economic feasibility of the proposal.
D. Lot requirements. There shall be no minimum lot size, width, height, or setback requirements within the R-6, planned residential development district.
E. Off-street parking. Off-street parking requirements shall be the same as for permitted uses in residential districts, except that they may be met by the use of common parking facilities.
F. Homes association. If other satisfactory arrangements for improving, operating, and maintaining streets, common parking, and open space areas, drives, service areas, and utilities have not been made with the City, a homeowners association shall be provided for and created in accordance with accepted procedures and financial requirements.
G. Subdivision regulations. The requirements of any existing and future subdivisions regulations adopted by the City shall be met by the applicant for a planned residential development subsequent to the approval of the applicant's rezoning request. This shall include the preparation and approval of preliminary and final plats in developments meeting the definition of a subdivision according to the subdivision regulations.
H. Signs. Signs shall be permitted in the development only for the purpose of identifying the development and advertising the sale of lots, or residential units. Such signs, if they are to be permanent, shall be designed as an integral part of the project and shall be harmonious with the surrounding landscaping and design features.
I. Sight proof fencing shall not be erected within the building line setback of the adjoining street. However, an exception may be requested in writing by the property owner and sent to the Planning Commission for review.
(Code 1991, § 12-282; Ord. No. 12-10, § I, 10-1-2012)