A. Minimum lot area and width requirements.
1. Mobile home parks:
a. Area: Overall density may not exceed ten (10) mobile homes per gross acre.
b. Width: Thirty (30) feet.
2. Mobile home subdivisions:
a. Area: Four thousand (4,000) square feet.
b. Width: Forty (40) feet at the building line.
B. Minimum requirements for front, side, and rear yard setbacks.
1. Mobile home parks:
a. Front: Ten (10) feet.
b. Side: Five (5) feet.
c. Rear: Five (5) feet.
2. Mobile home subdivisions:
a. Front: Twenty-five (25) feet.
b. Side: Five (5) feet.
c. Rear: Twenty (20) feet.
C. Maximum height requirements.
1. Mobile home parks: Twenty (20) feet.
2. Mobile home subdivisions: Twenty (20) feet.
(Code 1991, § 12-274)