A. The following are the minimum lot area and width requirements for:
1. Single-family dwelling:
a. Area: One (1) acre.
b. Width: One hundred fifty (150) feet at the building line. All lots shall abut a public street for a minimum distance of fifty (50) feet.
2. Schools, public, and other institutional buildings:
a. Area: Shall be adequate to provide yard areas required by setback provisions.
b. Width: Shall be adequate to provide yard areas required by setback provisions.
B. The following are the minimum requirements for front, side, and rear yard setbacks for:
1. Single-family dwelling:
a. Front, all lots: Forty (40) feet. Double street frontage lots shall provide a front yard setback on both streets;
b. Rear: Thirty (30) feet.
c. Side.
(1) Interior lot or side: Twenty-five (25) feet.
(2) Street side, corner lot: Forty (40) feet.
2. Schools, public, and other institutional buildings:
a. Front: Forty-five (45) feet.
b. Rear: Thirty-five (35) feet.
c. Side: Thirty (30) feet.
C. Maximum height requirements.
1. Single-family dwelling: Two and one-half (2½) stories or thirty-five (35) feet.
2. Schools, public and other institutional buildings: Two and one-half (2½) stories or thirty-five (35) feet.
(Code 1991, § 12-234)