A. Required information. Applications for licenses under this article shall be made upon forms prepared by the City Clerk and shall contain:
1. The name and address of the owner of the ambulance;
2. A description of the ambulance, including the:
a. Make;
b. Model;
c. Year of manufacture;
d. State license number for the current year;
e. Motor and chassis numbers; and
f. Length of time the ambulance has been in use;
3. The location and description of the place or places from which it is intended to operate; and
4. Such other information as the City Clerk shall find reasonably necessary to develop a fair determination of whether the terms of this Code have been complied with.
B. License fee. Application for a license issued under the provisions of this article shall be accompanied by a license fee in an amount as set by the City Council by motion or resolution.
C. Investigation. Upon receipt of an application, as provided for in this article, the City Clerk shall cause an investigation to be made of the applicant and his proposed operation.
D. Issuance. The City Clerk shall issue a license under the provisions contained in this article, when it is determined that:
1. The public convenience and necessity require the proposed ambulance service for which the application has been submitted. In determining whether public convenience and necessity require the licensing of the proposed ambulance service, the City Clerk shall consider the following:
a. Whether the public is adequately served at the current time;
b. The financial responsibility of the applicant;
c. The number, kind, and type of equipment;
d. The schedule of rates proposed to be charged;
e. The increased traffic congestion upon the streets of the City;
f. The demand which will result for increased parking space;
g. The preservation of the streets for safe use by vehicles and pedestrians; and
h. Such other facts as the City Clerk, the City Manager, or the City Council shall consider important.
2. The personnel have been licensed as provided in subsection (E) of this section and premises have been certified by the appropriate Health Department officials.
3. Insurance policies, as required by this Code, have been procured.
4. The applicant and all personnel are fit and proper persons to conduct or work in the proposed business, as provided in part in subsection (E) of this section.
5. All the requirements of the chapter and all other State laws and ordinances have been met.
E. Personnel. Personnel licensed in the following levels of care may perform such skills as may be designated by the department under their classification:
1. Emergency medical technician/basic.
2. Emergency medical technician/intermediate.
3. Emergency medical technician/paramedic.
(Code 1991, § 9-302)
State Law reference- Similar provisions, 63 O.S. § 1-2505.