Drainage systems shall be constructed in full accordance with approved designs and specifications, without variation, except as may be authorized by a change order or field change approved by the City Engineer or other authorized City representative.
A. The developer, land improver, land owner, or legal agent thereof engaging in any land improvement or change covered by this article shall be responsible for any and all construction activity as covered by approved designs, plans, and data.
B. This section shall not be construed to exclude the contractor or his responsible supervisor from providing installations in conformance with the requirements and constraints of this article whether a part of the design documents, or inadvertently excluded.
C. Upon determination and notification by the City Engineer or other responsible City authority that construction or any part thereof is in violation of this article. Such work shall be immediately discontinued and shall not be restarted until corrected.
D. All facilities, structures, and installations made under the provisions of this article shall be constructed in a workmanlike manner and using methods and procedures that shall assure a quality installation. The construction of any drainage system shall conform to the "Oklahoma Department of Transportation Specifications for the Construction of Drainage Systems" as approved by the City Engineer or other authorized City representative, unless specifically approved otherwise by the City Engineer or other authorized City representative. Materials, installations, and facilities that are not of the required quality or conformance shall be repaired or replaced as determined by the City Engineer or other authorized City representative.
E. The contractor shall provide barricades, guardrails, walkways, shoring, warning signs and flashers, and such other measures as deemed necessary to protect workmen; traffic, pedestrians, and any other person near or adjacent to a hazard from injury or damage. Such protection shall be provided upon start of a hazard area operation and shall be fully maintained until there is no longer a hazard and approval has been given for removal of the protection, signing shall be in accordance with Part VI-Traffic Controls for Street and Highway Construction and Maintenance Operations of the current Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices. The contractor shall, at his own expense, provide and maintain the appropriate traffic control devices.
F. The structural integrity of all drainage structures shall be maintained during all phases of construction.
G. A construction permit must be obtained from the City according to this section prior to the start of construction any drainage system or improvement which is owned or to be dedicated to the City, is to be constructed on a City right-of-way or easement, is a required "off-site" improvement of the platting process, or is otherwise required by the City. Construction inspections shall be made during and after construction by the City and shall serve as the basis of all approvals or disapprovals.
H. The erosion and sedimentation control plan shall be implemented using the "Best Management Practices" as adopted by the U.S. Soil Conservation Service of McClain County and any subsequent revisions to that document.
I. A flood plan permit is required to be obtained prior to any construction activity within the one hundred (100) year floodplain as required by the flood hazard zoning ordinance.
(Ord. No. 02-08, § 6, 5-6-2002)