Sec 1-204 Powers Of The Council
Except as otherwise provided in the charter, all powers of the city, including the determination of all matters of policy, shall be vested in the council. Without limitation of the foregoing, the council shall:
   A.   Appoint and remove the city manager, treasurer, city attorney(s) and city judge(s) as provided by law and this charter;
   B.   By ordinance, enact legislation subject to limitations as may now or hereinafter be imposed by the state constitution and law;
   C.   By ordinance, adopt the budget of the city;
   D.   Raise revenue, make appropriations and regulate bond elections, as well as regulate the issuance of bonds, sinking funds, the refunding of indebtedness, salaries and wages, and all other fiscal affairs of the city, all of which shall be within the limits prescribed by the state and federal constitutions, state and federal law and this charter;
   E.   Inquire into the conduct of any office, department or agency of the city and investigate municipal affairs or authorize and provide for such inquiries and/or investigations;
   F.   Appoint members to the planning commission and any and all other boards and commissions of the city that now exist or that may hereinafter be created;
   G.   Adopt plats;
   H.   Adopt and modify the official map of the city;
   I.   Grant pardons for violation of municipal ordinances, including the remission of fines and costs, upon the recommendation of the municipal judge;
   J.   By ordinance, through its zoning regulations and codes, regulate the construction, height and number of stories of buildings and other structures, the density of population and the location and use of buildings for trade, industry, business, residence or other purposes;
   K.   By ordinance, regulate elections within the limits prescribed by state constitution and law and this charter;
   L.   Provide for the establishment, power, duties, responsibilities and functions of a municipal police department, fire department, fiscal department, judicial department and such other administrative departments and such divisions within every administrative department as may be necessary and essential to the proper and efficient functioning of the government of the city of Purcell, including the control and management of the city cemetery;
   M.   Create, change and abolish offices, departments and agencies other than offices, departments and agencies established by this charter; and assign additional functions and duties to, or delete functions and duties from the offices, departments and agencies established by this charter;
   N.   Approve all claims made against the city before payment which duty shall not be delegated to the mayor or any other person and which shall not be by less than a majority vote of the council;
   O.   Provide for appropriate zoning for the city of Purcell and in conjunction therewith to follow the procedures outlined by the laws of the state of Oklahoma as well as the ordinances and policies of the city of Purcell and this charter, as they now exist, or as they may hereinafter be enacted;
   P.   Provide for the construction of capital improvements, which shall be in accordance with the laws of the state of Oklahoma, this charter and other policies and procedures of the City of Purcell as they now exist, or as they may hereafter exist;
   Q.   Provide for the accounting of all funds received by the city from the operation of public utilities and otherwise, whether the same be accounted for through the city itself, or through the various trusts, boards and other entities established by the council;
   R.   To levy and collect any and all taxes now authorized by state law and this charter or as such may hereinafter be so authorized;
   S.   To authorize connection to any storm or sanitary sewer whether the same is located on public or private property as long as it has been constructed in accordance with city and state regulations and has been approved and accepted by the city;
   T.   To allow connection to city facilities by those outside its corporate limits if deemed necessary or desirable, and to extend utilities outside its corporate limits if deemed necessary or desirable;
   U.   To, by resolution, provide for increases or decreases in rates of all utilities and services provided by the city.