Sec 106-38 Disposition And Records Of Traffic Citations And Complaints
   A.   Delivery to superior officer, Municipal Court, and central records section; retention in citation book and delivery to City Clerk. Every police officer upon issuing a traffic citation to an alleged violator of any provision of this traffic ordinance shall deposit the original and a duplicate copy of the citation to an immediate superior officer who, shall cause the original to be delivered to the Municipal Court of the City and the duplicate copy to the central records section of the Police Department.
   B.   Disposition or dismissal. Upon the filing of such original citation in the Municipal Court of this City, the citation may be disposed of by the City Attorney, by trial in the court or by other official action by a judge of the court, including the settlement of bail or the payment of a fine, or may be dismissed by the judge, in his opinion the actions complained of do not constitute a violation of traffic ordinances.
   C.   Return to Chief of Police. The Chief of Police shall require the return to him of each traffic citation and all copies thereof except that copy required to be retained in the book as provided in this section, which has been spoiled or upon which an entry has been made, and has not been issued to an alleged violator.
   D.   Chief to maintain record of disposition. The Chief of Police shall also maintain or cause to be maintained in connection with every traffic citation issued by a member of the Police Department a record of the disposition of the charge by the Municipal Court of the City.
   E.   Chief to maintain record of warrants, traffic fines, and final disposition of warrant. The Chief of Police shall also maintain or cause to be maintained a record of all warrants issued by the Municipal Court of the City, all the traffic fines which are delivered to the Police Department for service, and of the final disposition of the warrant.
   F.   Inappropriate disposal deemed official misconduct. It is unlawful and official misconduct for any member of the Police Department or other officer of public employ to dispose of, alter, or deface any traffic citation or any copy thereof or the record of issuance of any traffic citation, complaint, or warrant in any manner other than is required in this section.
(Code 1991, § 15-221)