Sec 2-92 Membership Of Committee
   A.   The committee will be comprised of five (5) members, which shall be elected by the City employees for three (3) year terms, with the initial committee to be composed of two (2) employees with one (1) year terms; two (2) employees with two (2) year terms; and one (1) employee with a three (3) year term.
   B.   The makeup of the membership of the committee shall be two (2) non- supervisory employees, two (2) supervisory employees, and one (1) at-large member who may be either a supervisor or non-supervisor.
   C.   All members of the committee must be full-time employees of the City who have been employed no less than one (1) year.
   D.   Membership in the committee is at all times voluntary and any member may resign at any time by way of written notification to the committee.
(Ord. No. 03-08, § 2, 10-6-2003)