Sec 94-75 Specifications
The sketch plat submitted to the Planning Commission shall be drawn at an approximate scale of one hundred (100) feet to an inch and shall include the following:
   A.   Name of the proposed subdivision;
   B.   Full legal description of the proposed subdivision;
   C.   Scale, north arrow, and date;
   D.   Name, address, and telephone number of the legal owner or agent of the owner and citation of the last instrument conveying title to the owner;
   E.   Name, address, and telephone number of the person or persons responsible for the subdivision design;
   F.   Overall dimensions of the proposed subdivision;
   G.   The proposed street or alley layout;
   H.   Approximate lot dimensions;
   I.   Topography (contour interval no greater than five (5) feet);
   J.   The location of all existing and proposed easements which may affect or be within the proposed subdivision;
   K.   The approximate location of adjoining streets, drainage ways, and subdivisions;
   L.   The location of all proposed open space areas, drainage ways, and drainage easements; and
   M.   The proposed street naming system.
(Code 1991, § 12-428)