Any unclaimed personal property, other than animals, which has remained in the possession of the Chief of Police for a period of ninety (90) days and:
A. Is in the nature of contraband;
B. Is property which would constitute a health hazard if stored for a long period;
C. Is an unsafe or illegal weapon;
D. Is a partially filled container of liquor or beer;
E. Cannot be sold;
F. Cannot be used by any department or the City; or
G. Is of trivial value in the opinion of the Chief of Police;
shall be destroyed on order of the Chief of Police. The destruction of any personal property under the provisions of this section shall be witnessed by at least three (3) members of the City Police Department, and these witnesses must sign a certificate of destruction which shall list all property destroyed, a general description of same, the date, time, place, and manner of the destruction.
(Code 1991, § 13-505)