Sec 46-99 Penalties And Enforcement
   A.   Ask all tobacco users to refrain from using any form of tobacco products, including vapor products, upon observation of anyone violating the sections of this ordinance.
   B.   Any possession of a combustible or lighted tobacco product is henceforth declared to be a nuisance to public health.
   C.   Any person who violates this tobacco prohibition ordinance 1s hereby guilty of a misdemeanor offense.
   D.   First time offenders will be reminded of the ordinance and given a verbal and/or written warning for violating any portion of this ordinance.
   E.   Second time offenders and all offenses hereafter will result in a fine for violating this ordinance and will incur a fine, plus any applicable court costs incurred.
   F.   All local government employees for the City of Purcell will remind known tobacco users of this ordinance.
(Ord. No. 14-10, § IV, 12-1-2014)
Amended by Ord. 19-01 on 2/7/2019