Sec 1-603 Recall Petition
To initiate recall proceedings, a number of electors of the city equal to at least twenty five percent (25%) of the total number of persons voting in the last general municipal election must sign a petition or petitions demanding an election for the recall of a designated officer. The petition or petitions must contain a general statement of the reasons for which the removal is sought. Each signer shall write after his name his place of residence within the city, giving street or avenue number, if any. If more than one petition is circulated, the demand for the election and the statement of reasons must be substantially the same on all. One of the signers of such petition shall sign under oath before an officer authorized to administer oaths, a statement on the petition that he believes that the statements made in the petition or petitions are true, and that he believes that all the signatures on the petition or petitions are the signatures of the persons whose signatures they purport to be. If more than one petition has been circulated, they shall be combined as one before filing. The petition shall be filed with the city clerk. Within ten (10) days from the date of filing, the city clerk shall examine the petition and ascertain whether the required number of electors of the city have signed it. He shall then attach to it his certificate stating whether the required number of electors of the city have signed it. If his certificate states that it lacks a sufficient number of signatures, it may be amended within ten (10) days after the date of the certificate. Within ten (10) days after the amendment, the city clerk shall examine the amended petition and ascertain whether the required number of electors of the city have signed it. He shall then attached to it his certificate stating whether the required number of electors of the city have signed it. If his certificate states that the amended petition lacks a sufficient number of signatures, he shall return it to the person filing it without prejudice to the filing of a new petition for the same purpose. But, if the city clerk's certificate states that the petition, or the amended petition, has a sufficient number of signatures of the electors of the city, he shall submit it to the council at its next meeting.