The city treasurer shall be the head of the department of fiscal affairs. He shall have knowledge of accounting, budgeting and financial control. He shall be appointed for an indefinite term by the council and shall be subject to termination by the council as herein provided. He shall have charge of the administration of the fiscal affairs of the city and to that end he shall:
A. Approve all proposed expenditures, sign all checks and be responsible for the disbursement of all money; certify all contracts, orders and other arrangements by which the city government incurs financial obligations; determine the regularity, legality and correctness of all bills, invoices, payrolls and other evidence of claims, demands or charges against the city, and audit and approve them before payment; and otherwise exercise financial and budgetary control over all offices, departments and agencies of the city.
B. Prescribe the forms of receipts, vouchers, bills and claims to be used by all offices, departments and agencies of the city; provided, the city council shall require that no funds belonging to the city be expended, except pursuant to an itemized claim or claims approved by the council and that payment thereof shall be made only by checks signed by the mayor and city treasurer or their
respective designees who shall be determined by the council by resolution;
C. Maintain a general accounting system for the city and each of its offices, departments and agencies; supervise, inspect and audit the accounts and financial records which any of them may maintain; keep a separate account for each item of appropriation, which shall show the amount of the appropriation, the amounts paid therefrom, the unpaid obligations against it and the unencumbered balance; require reports of receipts and disbursements from each receiving and spending agency of the city which shall be made daily or at such intervals as he may deem expedient;
D. Submit to the council a monthly statement of all receipts and disbursements in sufficient detail to show the exact financial condition of the city; it shall be the mandatory duty of the city treasurer to submit to the council at least once each month, a trial balance of all city business, and said trial balance shall be open to public inspection during the regular business hours of the city;
E. Prepare for the council and city manager a complete financial statement and report at the end of each fiscal year.
F. Have custody of all public funds belonging to or under the control of the city or any office, department or agency of the city government; and subject to any requirements made by the council, deposit all funds coming into his hands in such depositories as the council may designate;
G. Have charge of all funds, investments and invested funds of the city in a fiduciary capacity;
H. All monies paid into the hands of the city treasurer shall be accounted for in a separate fund. No expenditures shall be made from said fund except for return to the depositor when service has been discontinued or otherwise directed by the council and for the payment of charges for services rendered which have not been otherwise paid for. This fund, or a portion thereof, may be invested in interest bearing securities as may be approved by the city council;
I. The city treasurer shall be responsible to the city of Purcell on his official bond for any financial loss sustained by the city by reason of the refusal, negligence or failure of the city treasurer to comply with the requirements of this section.