Sec 14-2 House Numbering System
   A.   Every premises numbered. All business and dwelling units fronting on any street or avenue within the City shall be numbered, and every fifty (50) foot frontage on each street shall be entitled to a number.
   B.   East-west numbering system. On all streets and avenues running east and west crossing Canadian Avenue, numbering shall begin with Canadian Avenue with the number 100, east or west, as the case may be, with even numbers on the south side of the street and odd numbers on the north side of the street.
   C.   North-south numbering. On all streets and avenues running north and south crossing Main Street, numbering shall begin with Main Street with the number 100, north or south, as the case may be, the even numbers on the east side and the odd numbers on the west side of the street.
   D.   Duty of City officials. It is the duty of the City Manager or the Building Official to give proper numbers to all parties requesting the same, as herein provided.
   E.   Duty of owner. It is the duty of the owner of any house or houses to put the proper number on them in a conspicuous place, easily to be seen from the street, and any person failing or neglecting to do so, after notification by the Building Official, shall be guilty of an offense.
   F.   Subdivisions and developments not complying with number system. In situations where the subdivision plat or development pattern of the area does not fit the established house numbering system, as established in this section, the Planning Commission shall study the area and recommend to the City Council, for adoption by ordinance, a suitable amendment to this section to cover the situation.
(Code 1991, § 5-108)