Sec 1-207 City Clerk
The city manager shall appoint a city clerk. This office may be held by the same person appointed by the council as the city treasurer. The city clerk shall be required to post a surety bond in an amount to be fixed and determined by the council but in no event in a sum less than $25,000.00. If this office is held by the same person who is city treasurer, only one bond need be posted. Subject to regulations prescribed by the council, the city clerk shall:
   A.   Keep the journal of the proceedings of the council;
   B.   Enroll all ordinances and resolutions passed by the council in a book or set of books kept for that purpose;
   C.   Have custody of documents, records and archives as may be provided for by law or by ordinance, and have custody of the seal of the city;
   D.   Attest and affix the seal of the city to documents as required by law or by ordinance;
   E.   Assist the city manager in the preparation of the budget;
   F.   Collect all special assessments, license fees and other revenues of the city or for whose collection the city is responsible, and receive all money on behalf of the city from local, state or federal governments, from any court, from any office, department or agency of the city, or from any other source;
   G.   The council shall require every person applying for electric energy or water service or service on any premises from a municipally-owned utility to make a deposit in cash with the city clerk in such amount as may be equal to the charge for such service for a period of thirty (30) days or as otherwise established by resolution. Upon discontinuance of service or at such other times as the council may see fit, such deposit shall be returned to the depositor after deducting therefrom any amount which may be owing to the city of Purcell by reason of unpaid charges for services rendered;
   H.   Have such other powers, duties and functions related to his duties as may be prescribed by state law, the council, or the city manager.