Sec 122-485 Objectives And Use
The planned unit development (PUD) is a specialized zoning district as defined in Section 1 above [of Ord. No. 17-21] and in Chapter 122, Article 1, Section 122-6, Paragraph 135. The PUD is intended to maximize flexibility and innovation in development by utilizing area sensitive site planning and design to achieve a desirable mixture of compatible land use patterns that include elements such as efficient pedestrian and vehicular circulation systems, enhanced residential amenities, and allowances for the provision of usable open space.
   A.   Purpose and intent. The purpose and intent of the planned unit development is to:
      1.   Encourage innovative land development while maintaining appropriate limitations on the character and intensity of use and assuring compatibility with adjoining and proximate properties.
      2.   Permit flexibility within the development to maximize the unique physical features of the site.
      3.   Encourage efficient use of land in the placement and clustering of buildings and open areas, provision of circulation systems that achieve greater connectivity, and the conservation of natural features, natural topography, wooded areas, areas of historic significance, and environmentally sensitive areas.
      4.   Achieve a continuity of function and design within the development,
encourage diversified living environments and land uses and provide a development framework that will create, strengthen and/or enhance a strong sense of neighborhood and community character.
      5.   Provide a vehicle for negotiating modifications in standard development requirements to both encourage innovative development, and protect the health, safety and welfare of the community.
   B.   Goals and objectives. The PUD shall achieve the following land use objectives:
      1.   Minimize adverse effects upon surrounding property, the character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, parking, utilities or any other matters affecting the public health, safety and general welfare.
      2.   Contribute to the revitalization and/or redevelopment of areas where decline of any type has occurred.
      3.   Existing and planned.
      4.   Maintain consistency with the City's comprehensive plan, this chapter, and other applicable plans, policies, standards and regulations.
      5.   Provide a development that contributes more to the general prosperity, health, safety and welfare of the community than would otherwise be provided through the standard zoning and development process.
(Ord. No. 17-21, § 2, 11-8-2017)