§ 32.070 CREATION.
   (A)   There is hereby created a Community Development Council for the purpose of advising the City Commission whenever requested to do so by the City Commission, on all matters related to the desirable, proper and timely development of the city; as incidental to its defined purpose as indicated above, the Community Development Council may receive and review information and reports from citizens participation groups, as well as prepare recommendations to the City Commission in this regard; and generally acting and serving as the official chain of communication between various citizens participation groups and the City Commission.
   (B)   It is here specifically stated that the Community Development Council is to be an advisory board to the City Commission solely and has no administrative authority beyond that specific authority granted to it by the City Commission. It is here specifically stated that the Community Development Council does not relate to any federal or state program directly.
(Ord. 344, passed 11-25-1974)
   The City Community Development Council shall consist of 16 members, including a Chairperson. Each of the various neighborhoods designated on the map attached hereto to Ordinance 344 as Exhibit A will serve as the residence of two members to be appointed by the City Commission to the City Community Development Council and that no alternates are appointed.
(Ord. 344, passed 11-25-1974; Ord. 344A, passed - -)
§ 32.072 POWERS.
   The City Community Development Council shall have the power to adopt bylaws for the proper conduct of its business. All bylaws adopted by the City Community Development Council shall be subject to the approval or disapproval of the City Commission and shall be promptly submitted to the City Commission for approval or disapproval in whole or in part, after their passage originally or by amendment and shall become effective from and at the time of the approval by the City Commission acting at its next regular meeting following the submittal of the bylaws by the City Community Development Council.
(Ord. 344, passed 11-25-1974)