A.   Purpose
The East Overlay District (EOD) is established and intended to encourage an urban form that promotes transit usage and pedestrian oriented development in the area connecting the Downtown Pompano Beach Overlay District and the Atlantic Boulevard Overlay District. The purpose of the district standards is to stimulate economic revitalization, create a pedestrian-friendly environment and promote mixed-use development. It is also intended to help implement the Pompano Beach Transportation Corridor Study Transformation Plan and the Pompano Beach Community Redevelopment Plan for the East Pompano Beach Redevelopment District.
   B.   Applicability
      1.   General
         a.   These standards apply to all land within the East Overlay District (EOD), as delineated on the Official Zoning Map.
         b.   These standards replace or supplement the use, intensity, dimensional, and development standards applicable to the underlying base district. If EOD standards directly conflict with those governing an underlying base district, the EOD standards shall govern. If land within the district is classified as a planned development (PD) zoning district, the planned development district's regulations shall govern. New Planned Development Zoning Districts (PDs) shall not be permitted after the date of the adoption of this ordinance.
      2.   Existing Uses
         a.   Permitted Auto-Oriented Uses
            i.   Notwithstanding the standards applicable in Transit Oriented (TO) District or in the EOD, the following auto-oriented/auto-centric uses and auto-oriented/auto-centric use categories shall be permitted in the EOD, provided they shall only be permitted at locations approved for such use prior to the date of the adoption of this ordinance:
               (A)   Section 155.4202.E: Dwelling, Single Family.
               (B)   Section 155.4202.G: Dwelling, Two-Family.
            ii.   The permitted auto-oriented uses shall be exempt from compliance with all TO and EOD Standards and can be redeveloped as the same principal use.
            iii.   Until such time that the permitted auto-oriented use converts to a new principal use, the permitted auto-oriented uses, including the structures and lots, shall be governed by the development standards for the previous zoning district, including but not limited to all applicable Application Specific Review Procedures in Article 2, Use Standards in Article 4, Development Standards in Article 5, Nonconformities Standards in Article 7, and Interpretation Standards in Article 9.
         b.   Existing Structures and Lots Used for Places of Worship
            i.   Structures and lots approved for use as a place of worship, including lots approved for off-street parking for a place of worship, prior to the date of the adoption of this ordinance shall be exempt from compliance with all Transit Oriented (TO) and EOD Standards until such time that the place of worship converts to a new principal use type.
            ii.   Until such time that the place of worship converts to a new principal use type, the structures and lots approved for a place of worship shall be governed by the development standards for the previous zoning district, including but not limited to all applicable Application Specific Review Procedures in Article 2, Use Standards in Article 4, Development Standards in Article 5, Nonconformities Standards in Article 7, and Interpretation Standards in Article 9.
         c.   Existing parks and recreational areas designated as PR in the Use-Areas/Density Regulating Plan shall be governed by the Parks and Recreation (PR) Zoning District regulations, Section 155.3502.
   C.   Regulating Plans
The Regulating Plans applied to the EOD are intended to govern development standards, designating the locations where the various standards apply. Unless otherwise noted, all development shall be in compliance with the Regulating Plans. The Regulating Plans for the EOD include the following:
      1.   The Sub-Areas/Building Heights Regulating Plan, Diagram 155.3709.D (Specified in Part D).
      2.   The Use-Areas/Density Regulating Plan, Diagram 155.3709.E (Specified in Part E).
      3.   The Street Network Connectivity Regulating Plan, Diagram 155.3709.F.1 and the Street Development Regulating Diagrams, Diagram 155.3709.F.2 (Specified in Part F).
      4.   The Designated Publicly Accessible Open Space and Greenway System Regulating Plan, Diagram 155.3709.H (Specified in Part H).
      5.   The Building Typology and Placement Regulating Diagrams, Section 155.3501.O.4 (Specified in Part I).
   D.   Sub-Areas/Building Heights Regulating Plan
The Sub-Areas/Building Heights Regulating Plan is intended to delineate the areas where different types of development intensities are permitted in order to establish compatibility with the single-family neighborhoods.
      1.   Sub-area Designations
   The area where the most intense development is permitted is within the core sub-area. The area where a transitional intensity is permitted is within the center sub-area. The area where the least intensity is permitted is within the edge sub-area.
      2.   Building Height Designations
   All new and modifications to existing development shall comply with the building height standards found within the Sub-Areas/Building Heights Regulating Plan. When one property or parcel is regulated by two different height standards, the Sub-Areas/Building Heights Regulating Plan shall be referred to for the depth of each building height zone. In addition, the following shall apply:
         a.   Areas intended for commercial uses on the ground floor of all non-residential and mixed-use buildings shall be a minimum of 12 feet in height; and
         b.   Buildings higher than 6 stories shall be developed according to the tower building type standards.
         c.   For properties with buildings greater than 6 stories in height that are abutting Atlantic Boulevard between NE 19th Avenue and NE 25th Avenue, the minimum stepback along the front and street side property lines shall be 20 feet from the face of the building. The stepback shall begin above the fifth floor only, for all other properties abutting Atlantic Boulevard, there shall be no minimum stepback required.
         d.   For properties with buildings greater than 6 stories in height that are abutting US1 between NE 4th Street and SE 4th Street the minimum stepback along the front and street side property lines shall be 20 feet from the face of the building. The stepback shall begin above the fifth floor only, for all other properties abutting US1, there shall be no minimum stepback required.
   E.   Use-Areas/Density Regulating Plan
The Use-Areas/Density Regulating Plan is intended to delineate the areas where different types of land uses and densities are permitted in order to establish compatibility with the single-family neighborhoods.
      1.   Use-area Designations and Standards
   The designation of moderate- to high-intensity, compact, mixed-use, and pedestrian-oriented development, within walking distance of the commercial core and transit routes and facilities, is intended to provide a critical mass of housing and improve walkability of the district.
         a.   The following is encouraged:
            i.   High-activity nonresidential uses such as retail shops and restaurants at street level along E Atlantic Blvd and Federal Hwy, to enable the appropriate natural surveillance of the public realm to ensure safety and activity along the corridors and create the sense of a vibrant and active urban center.
            ii.   A compatible transition between the district's commercial/mixed-use areas and lower-intensity residential neighborhoods and between the district and adjacent residential neighborhoods, where applicable.
         b.   The following shall apply:
            i.   All new and existing development shall comply with the standards found within the Use-Areas/Density Regulating Plan and the Principal Uses Regulating Table 155.3709.E.2. The Use-Areas/Density Regulating Plan separates the EOD into use areas. Table 155.3709.E.1 lists the use areas and the requirements of residential and nonresidential uses within the two mixed-use use areas (MM and MUR) of the EOD.