A.   Purpose and intent
The purpose of this section is to ensure provision of off-street parking and loading facilities in proportion to the generalized parking and loading demand of the different uses allowed by this Code. The standards in this section are intended to provide for adequate off-street parking and loading while allowing the flexibility needed to accommodate alternative solutions. The standards are also intended to achieve city policies of supporting development and redevelopment of transit-oriented development and commercial corridors, accommodating appropriate infill development, and encouraging pedestrian-oriented development while avoiding excessive paved surface areas, promoting low impact development, and safeguarding historic resources.
   B.   Applicability
      1.   New Development
   All new development shall provide off-street parking and loading areas in accordance with the standards of this section.
      2.   Existing Development
         a.   Change in Use
      Any change in use of an existing development shall be accompanied by provision of any additional off-street parking and loading spaces required for the change in use to comply with this section to the maximum extent practicable.
         b.   Expansion
      If an existing structure or use is expanded or enlarged (in terms of the number of dwelling units , floor area, number of employees, seating capacity, or other size unit used in this section to determine the minimum number of off-street parking spaces or loading berths required for the applicable use), additional off-street parking and loading spaces shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of this section as applied to only the expanded or enlarged part of the structure or use.
         c.   Upgrading of Nonconforming Parking
      Nonconforming parking facilities on the site of a remodeled structure or expanded structure or use area shall comply with the requirements of this section in accordance with the standards of Part 5 (Nonconforming Site Features) of Article 7: Nonconformities.
      3.   Parking Plan Required
   All applications for Major Site Plan Approval (Section 155.2407) proposing more than eight off-street parking spaces shall include a parking plan. The parking plan shall accurately designate the required parking spaces, access aisles, and driveways, and the relation of the off-street parking facilities to the development they are designed to serve, including how the parking facilities coordinate with the vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian access and circulation systems for the development.
   C.   General Standards for Off-Street Parking and Loading Areas 
      1.   Use of Parking and Loading Areas
         a.   Nonresidential Districts
      Off-street parking areas required by this section shall be used solely for the parking of licensed motorized vehicles in operating condition. Required parking spaces and loading berths may not be used for the display of goods for sale, or the sale, lease, storage, dismantling, or service of any vehicles, boats, motor homes, campers, mobile homes, building materials, equipment, or supplies.
         b.   Residential Districts
      Except as otherwise provided in Section 155.4303.X, Parking or Storage of Motor Vehicles, Recreational Vehicles, Boats, or Trailers in Residential Zoning Districts, required off-street parking areas are to be used solely for the parking of licensed motor vehicles in operating condition.
         c.   Identified as to Purpose and Location
      Off-street parking areas of three or more spaces and all off-street loading areas shall include painted lines, wheel stops, or other methods of identifying individual parking spaces and loading berths and distinguishing such spaces or berths from aisles.
      2.   Surfacing
Figure 155.5102.C.2.b: Use of pervious materials in a parking lot
         a.   General
      Except as provided for in subsections b and c below, all off-street parking and loading areas shall be surfaced with asphalt, concrete, brick, stone, pavers, or an equivalent hard, dustless, and bonded surface material. Use of surfacing that includes recycled materials (e.g., glass, rubber, used asphalt, brick, block, and concrete) is encouraged. These surfaces shall be maintained in a smooth, well-graded, clean, orderly, and dust-free condition.
         b.   Pervious or Semipervious Surfacing
      The use of pervious or semipervious parking area surfacing materials—including, but not limited to—pervious asphalt and concrete and open joint pavers may be approved for off-street paving and loading areas, provided such surfacing is subject to an on-going maintenance program (e.g., sweeping, annual vacuuming). Any pervious or semipervious surfacing used for aisles within or driveways to parking and loading areas shall be certified as capable of accommodating anticipated traffic loading stresses and maintenance impacts. Where possible, such materials should be used in areas proximate to and in combination with on-site stormwater control devices. (See Figure 155.5102.C.2.b, Use of pervious materials in a parking lot.)
         c.   Gravel Used for Existing Single-Family Parking Area
      Gravel used for legally existing driveways and accessways serving single-family dwellings shall be accepted as an approved hard surface as provided for in subsection a above. However this section shall not be construed as to permit any new usage of gravel.
      3.   Location and Arrangement
         a.   Safe and Convenient Access
            i.   Off-street parking and loading areas shall be arranged for convenient access between an adjacent street and all parking spaces and loading berths to facilitate ease of mobility, ample clearance, and safety of vehicles and pedestrians. Each off-street parking space and loading berth shall have adequate, unobstructed means for the ingress and egress of vehicles.
            ii.   Except for parking areas serving single-family, two-family, triplex, fourplex, and mobile home dwellings, off-street parking areas shall be arranged so no parking or maneuvering incidental to parking shall occur on a public street or sidewalk.
            iii.   Except for parking areas serving single-family, two-family, and mobile home dwellings, off-street parking areas shall be arranged so an automobile may be parked or unparked without moving another automobile (unless within an automated or mechanical parking deck or garage or part of valet or tandem parking in accordance with Section 155.5102.J, Off-Street Parking Alternatives).
            iv.   Off-street loading areas shall be arranged so no loading berth extends into the required aisle of a parking lot.
            v.   The off-street parking facilities required under this chapter shall be located on the same lot or parcel of land the facilities are intended to serve, unless permissible in accordance with all applicable provisions of Section 155.5102.J., Off-Street Parking Alternatives.
         b.   Backing onto Streets Prohibited
      Except for parking areas serving single-family, two-family, triplex, fourplex, and mobile home dwellings, all off-street parking and loading areas shall be arranged so that no vehicle is required to back out from such areas directly onto a street. However, for all use types, off-street parking may be arranged to allow for back out onto alleys subject to demonstration adequate back-out distance.
      4.   Markings
         a.   Except for parking areas serving single-family dwellings, each required off-street parking area and space, and each off-street loading area and berth, shall be identified by double striping as well as other surface markings that are arranged to provide for orderly and safe loading, unloading, parking, and storage of vehicles. Such markings—including directional arrows, lettering on signs and in handicapped-designated areas, and labeling of the pavement—shall be maintained so as to be readily visible at all times.
      5.   Slope
   All off-street parking and loading areas shall be constructed on a lateral incline of not more than three percent and a longitudinal incline of not more than ten percent beyond the adjacent roadway or sidewalk level.
      6.   Drainage
   All off-street parking and loading areas shall be properly drained so as to eliminate standing water and prevent damage to abutting land and public streets and alleys.
      7.   Exterior Lighting
   Lighted off-street parking and loading areas shall comply with the standards of Part 4 (Exterior Lighting) of this article.
      8.   Landscaping
   Except for off-street parking areas serving single-family dwellings and two-family dwellings, all off-street parking and loading areas shall comply with the standards of Section 155.5203.D, Vehicular Use Area Landscaping.
      9.   Curbing
         a.   Except for off-street parking areas serving single-family dwellings, or off-street parking provided within a Parking Deck or Garage, each off-street parking space shall include a continuous curb.
         b.   The vehicular overhang area shall be no more than 2½ feet wide and shall not be credited toward any required sidewalk or landscape areas.
         c.   In place of continuous curbs, wheel stops may be provided when required for compliance with accessibility guidelines promulgated under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). When permitted, the wheel stops shall be made of concrete, wood, metal, or material of comparable durability, and shall be at least six feet long.
      10.   Maintained In Good Repair
         a.   Maintained at All Times
      All off-street parking and loading areas shall be maintained in safe condition and good repair at all times so as not to constitute a hazard to public safety or a visual or aesthetic nuisance to surrounding land.
         b.   Periodically Restored
      All off-street parking and loading areas shall be periodically painted or otherwise restored to maintain a clear identification of separate parking spaces or loading berths.
      11.   Completion
   All off-street parking and loading areas shall be completed prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy (Section 155.2419) for the development they serve. In the case of phased development, off-street parking and loading areas should only be provided for the phase being developed.
   D.   Off-Street Parking Space Requirements
      1.   Minimum Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces
         Except as expressly exempted by other sections within this Code, new development shall provide the minimum number of off-street parking spaces in accordance with Table 155.5102.D.1, Minimum Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces, based on the principal use(s) involved and the extent of development. Interpretation of the off-street parking space requirements for uses with variable parking demands or unlisted uses is provided in Section 155.5102.D.2, Uses with Variable Parking Demand Characteristics and Unlisted Uses.