A.   Purpose
The Community Redevelopment Area Overlay (CRAO) district is established and intended to facilitate implementation of adopted redevelopment plans for the city's Community Redevelopment Areas (CRAs) and thereby promote redevelopment plan objectives of eliminating slums and blight, reducing crime, providing affordable housing, enhancing the tax base, and encouraging public and private improvements in the targeted CRA. The CRAO district is a flexible tool that may be applied to whole CRAs or to subareas within a CRA that has its own unique character and/or plan for redevelopment.
   B.   Establishment of Individual Community Redevelopment Area Overlay Districts
The City Commission may establish individual Community Redevelopment Area Overlay districts in accordance with this section and Section 155.2402, Text Amendment, Section 155.2403, General Zoning Map Amendment (Rezoning), or Section 155.2404, Site-Specific Zoning Map Amendment (Rezoning), after approving a strategic implementation plan or small area plan for the district. In establishing a new CRAO district, the City Commission shall establish a set of development standards applicable to all development in the particular district (See Section 155.3705.E, District-Specific Development Standards.).
   C.   Minimum Standards for Designation of a CRAO District
      The City Commission may approve an application for designation of a CRAO district only if:
      1.   The land area within the proposed CRAO district lies within a Community Redevelopment Area (CRA) established in accordance with Florida law (Fla. Stat. § 163.360).
      2.   Development standards are proposed to be applied to the district in accordance with Section 155.3705.E, District-Specific Development Standards, and such standards will encourage development that furthers implementation of the redevelopment plan for the district.
   D.   Applicability
      1.   These standards apply to all development within the CRAO district.
      2.   Except as otherwise specified in district-specific development standards for a CRAO district, these standards supplement the use, intensity, dimensional, and development standards applicable to the underlying base zoning district.
      3.   In the case of conflict between the CRAO district standards and any other standards of this Code, the CRAO district development standards shall control.
   E.   District-Specific Development Standards
Each area designated as a Community Redevelopment Area Overlay district shall identify, with specificity, the design standards to be applied to all new construction and expansion of existing structures. Aspects of development that these design standards may address include, but are not be limited to, the following:
      1.   Lot size;
      2.   Location of proposed buildings or additions;
      3.   Setbacks or required yards;
      4.   Building height;
      5.   Building size (for principal and accessory structures);
      6.   Building orientation;
      7.   Exterior building materials and colors;
      8.   Building roof line and pitch;
      9.   Building foundation treatment;
      10.   Landscaping and screening;
      11.   Impervious surface coverage;
      12.   Paving requirements or limitations;
      13.   Exterior lighting;
      14.   Required features on a front facade;
      15.   Area character and compatibility;
      16.   Views of or from specific locations;
      17.   Riparian areas, wetland areas, or drainage patterns; and
      18.   Demolition of structures.
The City Commission may approve additional design standards addressing aspects of development not listed above. The City Commission may also prohibit use types within a CRAO district.
(Ord. 2012-64, passed 9-11-12; Am. Ord. 2013-73, passed 7-23-13; Am. Ord. 2013-75 , passed 9-24-13)