155.2410. PLAT
   A.   Purpose
The purpose of this section is to provide a review procedure to conform to the Broward County Land Use Plan's requirement that local governments require compliance with the county's platting requirements and to ensure subdivisions of land within the city:
      1.   Provide for the orderly growth and development of the city;
      2.   Coordinate proposed streets with existing and planned streets in the city's street system, and with other public facilities;
      3.   Provide rights-of-way for streets and utility easements;
      4.   Avoid congestion and overcrowding of streets;
      5.   Ensure there is adequate access to development;
      6.   Ensure there are adequate utility facilities to serve development;
      7.   Ensure there is adequate open space and recreation facilities to serve development; and
      8.   Ensure there is proper recordation of land ownership or property owner association records, where applicable.
   B.   Applicability
      1.   General
   Unless exempted in accordance with subsection 2 below, approval of a Plat in accordance with this section is required before any plat of a subdivision (as defined in Part 5 (Terms and Uses Defined) of Article 9: Definitions and Interpretation) may be recorded or any development associated with the subdivision may occur, and before any Zoning Compliance Permit may be approved for construction of a principal building on a lot or parcel of land.
      2.   Exemption
   The requirement that a Plat be approved in accordance with this section before approval of a Zoning Compliance Permit shall not apply where expressly exempted from such requirement by the Broward County Land Use Plan.
   C.   Plat Procedure
      1.   Step 1: Pre-Application Meeting
         Applicable (See Section 155.2301.).
      2.   Step 2: Neighborhood Meeting
         Optional (See Section 155.2302.).
      3.   Step 3: Application Submittal and Acceptance
         Applicable (See Section 155.2303.).
      4.   Step 4: Staff Review and Action
   Applicable to a recommendation by the Development Services Director following DRC review and comment (See Section 155.2304.).
      5.   Step 5: Public Hearing Scheduling and Notice
         Applicable (See Section 155.2305.).
      6.   Step 6: Advisory Body Review and Recommendation
   Applicable to a recommendation by the P&Z (See Section 155.2306.), following a quasi-judicial public hearing on the application conducted in accordance with Section 155.2307.B, Public Hearing.
      7.   Step 5: Decision-Making Body
   Applicable to a final decision by the City Commission (See Section 155.2307.).
   D.   Plat Review Standards
An application for a Plat shall be approved only on a finding that the proposed subdivision or development on the lots proposed to be platted meets all of the following standards:
      1.   The development complies with the applicable standards in Part 7 (Lots) of Article 5: Development Standards;
      2.   The development complies with all other applicable standards in this Code;
      3.   The development complies with all requirements or conditions of any applicable development orders (e.g., Planned Development);
      4.   Any land within the platted lot(s) that is necessary to comply with the Broward County Trafficways Plan has been conveyed to public by deed or grant of easement;
      5.   The development complies with any applicable hazardous material licensing requirements in the Broward County Wellfield Protection Ordinance; and
      6.   All facilities for the distribution of electricity, telephone, cable television, and similar utilities, shall be placed underground.
   E.   Effect of Plat
      1.   A development order for a Plat from the city allows submittal and review of an application for approval of the same plat by the Broward County Commission in accordance with the Broward County Land Development Code.
      2.   On obtaining a development order approving the same plat from Broward County in accordance with the Broward County Land Development Code, and recording the plat in accordance with Broward County platting regulations, the landowner is authorized to submit an application for a Zoning Compliance Permit in accordance with Section 155.2413, Zoning Compliance Permit, for development of the land.
   F.   Expiration
      A Plat approved in accordance with this section shall automatically expire and be null and void if an application for approval of the same plat is not approved by the Broward County Commission within two years after the date of the city's approval of the Plat, or an extension of this time period authorized in accordance with Section 155.2308.B.2, Extension of Expiration Time Period.
   G.   Deviations to/from Approved Plat
      An approved Plat may be revised to include—and subsequent applications for a Zoning Compliance Permit for development authorized by a development order for a Plat may include—amendments from the approved Plat, conditions of approval, and plat notes.
      1.   Minor Deviation
         For all plat amendment applications and Findings of Adequacy (FOA) renewals authorized for administrative approval, the Development Services Director shall have the authority to issue final approval of said applications, however the Director has the discretion and authority to require City Commission review and approval for any plat amendment for which administrative approval is authorized. The following plat amendment applications, which may or may not be in conjunction with an FOA renewal application, may be authorized for administrative approval by the Development Services Director:
         a.   Plat note amendments with a decrease or no increase in the approved level of development.
         b.   Plat note amendments for developments under 100 units and/or 100,000 square feet of non-residential gross floor area that increase the approved level of approved development by no more than 20%.
         c.   Plat note amendments, which re-allocate nonresidential mixed uses that result in an increase in total gross floor area of up to 10% for developments of 100,000 or greater, or an increase in total gross floor area of up to 20% for developments under 100,000 gross floor area.
         d.   Plat note amendments which re-allocate residential and non-residential mixed uses (such as residential/commercial/office), which result in less than a 20% increase in residential units for an approved development of up to 100 units and/or total non-residential gross floor area for an approved development under 100,000 square feet; increases beyond the aforementioned thresholds shall correlate with a reduction in other approved uses to offset the impacts of the proposed amendment, as determined by the Development Services Director.
         e.   Amendments to the approved Non-Vehicular Access Line subject to the inclusion in the application of a valid approval letter from the Florida Department of Transportation for plats located on a State Road, and subject to subsequent approval by Broward County.
         f.   Amendments to previously approved conditions of approval required by Broward County in conjunction with an amendment to the Non-Vehicular Access Line or a plat note amendment application.
      2.   Major Deviation
         All other amendments Broward County determines would not require a new plat in accordance by the Broward County Administrative Rules shall be approved by Resolution.
   H.   Amendment
      Any modifications of an approved Plat other than the deviations authorized in Section 155.2410.G, Minor Deviations to/from Approved Plat, shall require amendment of the Plat approval in accordance with Section 155.2308.C, Modification or Amendment of Development Order.
(Ord. 2012-64, passed 9-11-12; Am. Ord. 2015-75, passed 9-8-15; Am. Ord. 2018-67, passed 7-10-18; Am. Ord. 2019-110 , passed 9-24-19)