In addition to the requirements of the sign code as herein adopted and amended, signs in all zoning districts shall also conform to the following:
   A.   The following apply to all signs regardless of zoning district:
      1.   Maintenance: The owner of a sign and the owner of the premises on which such sign is located shall be jointly liable to maintain such sign including its illumination sources in compliance with this chapter and all other applicable laws in a safe and secure condition and in a neat and orderly condition and in good working order at all times and to prevent the development of any rust, corrosion, rotting, or other deterioration in the physical appearance or safety of such sign. The person controlling the property on which a sign or sign structure is located shall remove all weeds/litter and cut the grass within a radius of ten feet (10') of the outer limits of a sign or sign structure.
      2.   Relocation Of Or Discontinuance Of Business Establishment: In the case of a business establishment relocating to another location or discontinuing (closing) the business, the owner, manager, or sign contractor shall be responsible for removal or covering of any signage on the site, including, but not limited to, sign cabinets on ground signs, wall signs, painted on wall signs, and unpermitted roof signs prior to installation of new signage. All said signage shall be removed or covered within thirty (30) days of the relocation or discontinuance of the business.
      3.   Structural Requirements: All signs shall be constructed of metal, wood, or comparable weather resistant material and shall be enclosed and subject to the following:
         a.   Signs and sign structures shall meet the applicable requirements in the building and sign codes.
         b.   Illuminated signage shall be directed away from adjacent properties and public rights of way.
      4.   Placement: The following standards apply:
         a.   A wall sign shall be attached flat against the wall and project no farther than eighteen inches (18") from the building and shall not extend above the top of the wall to which it is attached. Painted wall signs are calculated into the total sign area allowed per site. Flags with advertising copy which are displayed permanently on a building shall also be considered as wall signs.
         b.   A projecting sign shall not extend beyond the top of the wall on which it is placed. A minimum eight foot (8') clearance from grade is required.
         c.   Awnings shall not project above the roofline, or be located over a public right of way without a right of way use license. A minimum clearance of seven feet (7') to the valance and eight feet (8') to the frame above grade is required. Sign area for awnings shall be calculated on the copy area only.
         d.   Roof signs shall not exceed the highest point of a roof or parapet wall and shall not project farther than eighteen inches (18") from the building.
         e.   No signs may project over property lines or into public rights of way without a right of way use license.
         f.   Signs shall be located within an existing architectural sign band or sign area if one exists on the building where the sign is to be located.
         g.   Portable signs may be located upon a sidewalk that is seven feet (7') wide or wider if the owner of the sign has received a permit from the city and is in accordance with the following requirements:
            (1)   Portable signs shall not be placed upon a sidewalk that is less than seven feet (7') wide.
   (A) If the sidewalk is less than seven feet (7') wide, the portable sign may only be placed on private property.
   (B) This subsection A4g(1) does not apply to the downtown historic district. (See section 15.20.230 of this chapter for sign requirements for the downtown historic district.)
            (2)   A minimum of forty two (42) contiguous inches in sidewalk width shall remain clear of any obstruction at all times for pedestrian access. The before mentioned pedestrian clearance shall apply to the entire length of the sidewalk.
            (3)   Portable signs may be located within nonsidewalk right of way between an adjacent curb and building if the following conditions are met:
   (A) The distance between the adjacent curb edge and sidewalk, park strip or landscaping strip is a minimum of three feet (3') wide in addition to an existing sidewalk that is a minimum of forty two inches (42") wide, or
   (B) The distance between the building and the nearest sidewalk edge is at least three feet (3') wide.
   (C) The sign placement does not in any way impede pedestrian or vehicular traffic on an adjacent sidewalk, trial/path or road.
            (4)   All portable signs shall be located directly in front of the sponsoring business.
   (A) Unless otherwise specified, all portable signs may only be placed on the business side of the sidewalk and not impede pedestrian travel.
   (B) If the sidewalk is less than seven feet (7') wide then a sign may be located within a park strip or landscaping strip as defined in subsection A4g(3) of this section.
            (5)   The portable signs shall not create a visual obstruction for traffic. Signs greater than three feet (3') in height shall not be placed in the defined sight triangle.
            (6)   Portable signs may be located on the ground or on the building but shall not be located above the eave or on the roof of the business it is advertising.
      5.   Window Signs: Window signs shall not consume over fifty percent (50%) of the glass area, and shall be calculated into the total sign area.
      6.   Pole Signs:
         a.   The maximum height of a pole sign shall be thirty feet (30').
         b.   Any individual on premises pole sign structure shall not contain in excess of two hundred (200) square feet of signage when located within twenty five feet (25') of any property line.
         c.   Signage is limited to no more than three (3) sign faces/cabinets separated by more than two inches (2") of open space. All wiring serving pole signs shall be underground.
         d.   No pole sign shall be located on or over public property or within thirty feet (30') of another such sign.
         e.   In cases where a proposed sign would be situated on a corner lot possessing two (2) street frontages, any signage located on or within thirty feet (30') of the corner may only contain signage based on the larger of the two (2) frontages. In other words, both frontage allocations may not be combined into the same sign.
         f.   For the public's health, safety, and general welfare, pole signs within the area defined as a forty foot (40') sight triangle shall not be less than eight feet (8') in height from the grade and support posts shall be not greater than twelve inches (12") in diameter.
      7.   Ground Signs: Ground signs less than eight feet (8') in height shall meet the sight triangle requirements as noted in section 15.20.030 of this chapter.
      8.   Portable Signs: The following requirements apply to all portable signs:
         a.   Size: See subsections 15.20.180A2 and 15.20.190B2 of this chapter.
         b.   Maintenance: The signs shall be well maintained. No tattered or torn banners and sails and the portable signs shall not be broken.
         c.   Lighting: No lights, lighting or power to the sign(s).
         d.   Identification: Permanent lettering of the business/organization name and/or logo is required on all portable signs.
         e.   Construction: Portable signs/banners/sails shall weigh at least twenty five (25) pounds or be anchored to the ground or to a building to prevent being blown away.
         f.   Material: Portable signs in nonresidential zones shall be constructed from high quality materials and shall not be constructed from the following or similar material that may be easily destroyed by wind, rain or snow:
            (1)   Cardboard;
            (2)   Poster board paper;
            (3)   Butcher paper; or
            (4)   Plotter paper. (Ord. 2958, 2015: Ord. 2915, 2012: Ord. 2702 § 2, 2002: Ord. 2349, 1991)