The following types, locations, and sizes of signs are permitted in the downtown historic district:
A. Materials; Lighting: Signs within the district shall be constructed of wood or metal and shall not be internally illuminated. Neon is acceptable upon review by the HPC.
B. Total Sign Area Allowed: One and one-half (11/2) square feet of sign area shall be permitted for each of the first twenty five feet (25') of business frontage. An additional one-half (1/2) square foot of sign area shall be permitted for each linear foot of business frontage over twenty five feet (25'). This allowance may be utilized for any combination of the following signs:
1. Wall Signs: Wall signs shall be architecturally compatible and integrated with the building, shall be flat against the wall to which they are mounted, shall not extend above such wall and have no internal lighting.
2. Projecting Sign: One projecting sign no more than sixteen (16) square feet per sign face is permitted. The sign face shall require a ten foot (10') clearance from the sidewalk and may not exceed an overall height from the sidewalk of fifteen feet (15'). Projecting signs may overhang a public sidewalk up to five feet (5').
3. Awning Signs: Awning signs are permitted providing all general regulations are met and the awning is architecturally compatible with the structure(s) on which it is placed. The area of signage on awnings shall be calculated on the copy area only. A minimum clearance of seven feet (7') to the valance and eight feet (8') to the frame is required. The awning shall not have any internal lighting.
4. Suspended/Hanging Signs: Suspended/hanging signs may accessorize awning structures and may not exceed four (4) square feet in size and shall have a minimum clearance of seven feet (7') to the sidewalk. Such signs are intended for the information of pedestrians.
5. Window Signs: Window signs may be applied, painted or affixed to or in the window of a building as long as they occupy no more than fifty percent (50%) of the total window area and the area of such signage is calculated toward the total sign area allowed on site.
6. Historic District Changeable Copy Or Portable Signs: Changeable copy or portable signs are allowed in the downtown historic district. They are portable signs with the design and size approved by the old town Pocatello board of directors and the historic preservation commission. Each business is allowed one changeable copy sign. The sign shall be placed either in the business entryway or along the street, in the pavers. No illumination shall be allowed for the changeable copy signs.
7. Door Signage: The door signage shall not exceed six (6) square feet nor be included in the total amount of permitted signage. The telephone number and/or website address shall be located on the door only.
C. Historic Preservation Commission Review Procedures: Signs erected within the downtown historic district shall be reviewed and approved by the historic preservation commission or its designated subcommittee prior to the granting of a sign permit. For purposes of this section, references to the commission contained herein shall be construed to include said designated subcommittee. The commission shall have the authority to review the following:
1. The Historic Preservation Commission, in addition to ensuring conformity with other standards set forth in this chapter, shall evaluate the general appearance of the sign, and ensure compatibility of style, color, size and material with the building on which it is mounted, as well as with neighboring buildings.
2. The Historic Preservation Commission may waive a particular standard in cases where it can be proven that application of the standard to a sign would reduce its historical significance and where it can be proven that relaxation of the standards will not lead to the decreased safety of the public.
3. The Historic Preservation Commission shall make a decision within fifteen (15) days of an application unless the applicant and the HPC agree to table consideration of the sign until a later date.
4. Applicants may appeal the HPC's decision to the City Council within thirty (30) days of official notice of the written decision. The appeal shall be filed at least seven (7) days before the next regularly scheduled City Council meeting. The Council shall review the findings of the HPC, hear the arguments of the appellant, and make a final determination on the issue. (Ord. 2958, 2015: Ord. 2915, 2012: Ord. 2385 § 4, 1991: Ord. 2349, 1991)