The following types, locations, and sizes of signs are permitted in CG, LI, OP, and I Districts for individual businesses not located in multiuse buildings:
   A.   Total Sign Area Allowed Per Individual Business Site: For any given street frontage the total sign area allowed shall be determined by computing the sum of two (2) square feet for each linear foot of building frontage plus one square foot for each linear foot of open space frontage.
   B.   Portable Signs: One portable, banner, flag, or sail sign for owned/leased business frontage is permitted within the Commercial General, Light Industrial, Office Park and Industrial Zoning Districts. One portable banner, flag or sail sign (or additional square footage as defined) for every additional thirty (30) linear feet of continuously owned/leased business frontage over thirty feet (30') may also be permitted.
      1.   Portable, banner, flag, or sail signs within Commercial General and Office Park Zoning Districts are limited to the following:
         a.   Maximum size, portable: Twelve (12) square feet.
         b.   Maximum size, banner: Thirty two (32) square feet.
         c.   Maximum height, sail or flag: 13.5 feet.
         d.   Maximum size, commercial real estate: Thirty two (32) square feet.
      2.   Portable, banner, flag, or sail signs within Industrial or Light Industrial Zoning Districts are limited to the following:
         a.   Maximum size, portable: Thirty two (32) square feet.
            (1)   The size of a portable sign within an Industrial or Light Industrial Zoning District may be increased to forty eight (48) square feet for each one hundred (100) linear feet of continuously owned/leased industrial frontage. (1 additional 48 square foot sign may be added for each 100 linear feet of frontage.)
         b.   Maximum size, banner, sail or flag: Thirty two (32) square feet.
            (1)   The size of the sign within an Industrial or Light Industrial Zoning District may be increased to forty eight (48) square feet for each one hundred (100) linear feet of continuously owned/leased industrial frontage. (1 additional 48 square foot sign may be added for each 100 linear feet of frontage.)
   C.   Combination Of Signs: This allowance may be utilized for any combination of the following signs:
      1.   Wall Signs: Wall signs shall be permitted.
      2.   Projecting Sign: One projecting sign shall be permitted. No part of a projecting sign or structure shall be permitted over a public right-of-way or property line.
      3.   Awning Signs: Awning signs shall be permitted.
      4.   Pole And/Or Ground Sign: One pole or ground sign per site for each street frontage shall be permitted not exceeding thirty feet (30') in height from grade to the uppermost part of the sign or pole providing all general regulations are met in addition to the following standards:
         a.   For pole signs three (3) to twenty feet (20') in height, up to two (2) square feet of the total sign area allowed may be utilized for each linear foot of building frontage and up to one square foot of the total sign area allowed may be utilized for each linear foot of open space frontage.
         b.   For pole signs greater than twenty feet (20') and up to thirty feet (30') in height, the following shall apply:
            (1)   The allowable sign face area based on building frontage shall decrease by one-tenth (1/10) of a square foot of sign area for each one foot (1') above twenty feet (20') in height. The following table illustrates:
            (2)   This table is based on a formula which can also be utilized for signs with irregular heights: [2 - (height over 20' x 0.1)] x linear feet building frontage + [1 - (height over 20' x 0.05)] x linear feet open space frontage = sign area.
            (3)   A reduction in sign face area for signs between twenty (20) and thirty feet (30') in height does not reduce the total area allowed for the site as outlined in subsection A of this section.
         c.   In cases where the street frontage is one hundred eighty feet (180') or greater, one additional pole or ground sign per site may be permitted when all other general regulations are met. In no case shall more than two (2) pole or ground signs per street frontage be permitted without an exception by the hearing examiner.
      5.   Highway Pole Signs: One pole sign up to sixty feet (60') in height may be erected within one thousand feet (1,000') of an on/off interstate ramp intersection on any parcel of land if at least fifty percent (50%) of that parcel lies within that one thousand foot (1,000') radius. The sign must be set back at least twenty five feet (25') from any property line and at least fifty feet (50') from any residential, RCP, or NC zoning district boundary. No reduction in sign face size shall be required for these signs. (Ord. 2958, 2015: Ord. 2915, 2012: Ord. 2852 § 1, 2008: Ord. 2846 § 5, 2008: Ord. 2702 § 3, 2002: Ord. 2385 § 2, 1991: Ord. 2349, 1991)